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jay sanislo

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I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later.

There were idiots talking about putting up some of the soundboards and i guess thats what happened. Im super pissed cause i had NYE sitting at 60% (not SDB copy)and i went on and all phish is wiped out including the phish shows i had lined up.

I wish i can tell that fucker who ruined a good thing for me to piss off(sorry for the swearing but this got to me)

Anyone wanna help me out and lead me to some other sites or maybe a different progam that would be great. Still gonna keep further though cause it is a great program, just wish someone could have just been happy with an audience copy.

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i'z got not probs with furthur.

the selection is amazing.

and i just didn't turn furthur off so i still have my seven different copies of 12-31->04 of the phish run still downloading, as well as kevO's show.

yes, it pisses me off. people should know better than to disguise a show as something else.

the furthnet crew gets testy VERY quickly because of the pressure they get by phish's management.

apparently the phish cres don't want programs like furthur, etree, DC, sharing Phish (source: unconfirmed, this was from a furthur programmer). i guess, as this shows, its too easy to pass phish's files as something else.

OH well, it'll be back to sharing phish in a few days, until then Bittorrent is a grrrrrreat way to download shows. DC is too, if you don't mind the huge memory footprint it puts on your comp, as well as the bandwidth issues. (run the program, DOWNLOAD NOTHING, and watch your bandwidth plummit.

oh well, guess it back to ftp's for a few days.

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well, not really. as i said, i never closed furthur (and still haven't) so i can still download anything i want.

it's whomever closed furthur in the last 36 hours who can't access phish on furthur.

you are ok. running slowly though. i think were at about 27% on the show. its only being shared by two others....so its taking a bit....

but i should have it for the next time i see ya.

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Furthur is my favorite of the peer to peer programs out there. I get some KICK ass download speeds, and the selection/search capapbilities are top notch.

What does suck, are the idiots that continual allow downloads of Phish shite they know they arent supposed to allow. This isnt the first time Phish has been pulled, and I hope we see them on there soon again. If not, I wouldnt be too upset, cause I will use DC to get whatever I may want by them. As well, I can start to download all that crazy stuff I see up there, that I never download.

My latest has been the Sam Bush Band and Dire Straits with Eric Clapton.....oh yeah, and Garcia Grisman from 77!


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Jeremy Clark's post from pcp:

"Those of us that admin Furthur felt it was in everyone's benefit

to preemptively, temporarily remove Phish from the Furthur bandlist because

a small group of people were being incredibly persistent in trying to

distribute livephish.com filesets via Furthur.

We do have a banning system in place that allows us to ban individual

filesets from the network, but these posters proved to be much more

voracious about sharing the files than others have been in the past.

So, instead of waiting for Phish to bring the smackdown like they did the

LAST time we had to temporarily remove Phish (when the Trey album was being

shared), we made the first move, and now the coders are working on making

the banning system more effective now that we know people will exploit any


Make no mistake about it, Phish will be back on Furthur =)



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good for the Further guys... respect for the hosted bands comes first... definately got a really great thing going there... I'm getting a new hard drive just because of Further...

boo for the leeches who are trading purchased soundboards, cheap and petty, probably just to show off to their friends... [Roll Eyes]

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