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Survivor- Phish Edition!!

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

I'm back! I'm on crack! And I think I'm black! Boi!!

Did everyone have a great week-end? I sure did. No computer in sight for two entire days was a godsend. Little have I realized how dependent I am on computers nowadays to do everything from my job to buying tickets to apply for my Masters degree to downloading music to porn. It's nice to remove myself from this infernal contraption once in a while.

I need to thank Booche for taking the reigns of this thread over the week-end and ejecting Hoist off the island. And it's my turn to toss A Picture Of Nectar off. We're on the home stretch now folks...




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Guest Low Roller

A great man once said "assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups". So it is certainly a humbling experiece to admit that one's assumptions result in catastrophic consequences and soil a great tradition. My crime is that I assumed that everyone on this board was a certain level of Phishhead (I'm a level 2 compared to Dave-O's level 10 + 2 hit point beard modifier) and would enthusiastically participate with anything Phish. My bad.

But like anything else, you take the good, you take the bad, you put them together, and you have the facts of life, the facts of life.

Indeed Lawn Boy has been declared the champion by my sidekick Booche, and that ruling shall stand. Lawn Boy represents all that is pure and good with Phish... apparently. And so (mercifully) ends the fourth installment of Survivor.

I think I have a pretty good feel for what works and what doesn't when organizing a Survivor. A new one will be out eventually with a slight twist on the rules. I think it's time I incorporated the "immunity for a day" rule.

Will things get more interesting? More complicated? Will Skanks flee in droves? Tune in next time to find out.

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