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The Gig is Up


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HAHAHAHAHAAA.... that was great!

"At nightfall... the festival campground takes center stage. One camper exclaims, "F***k no, just drink whiskey and you're fine,” while another yells out,” I'll take some Peyote, I'll take some F**kin anything psychedelic."

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ABC new are obviously getting desperate for stories. Were the reporters never young themselves. Were they brought up in a cave?

I like how they try to somehow link the fact that a mother left her child and said, we since she did something illegal, we thought we would see if there is anything else illegal there. Then we will take our small private cameras and catch people doing drugs.

Kinda reminds me how the press linked Al Quaida and Afghanistan and shifted our attention to Iraq somehow.

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That kind of story ENRAGES ME!

<i>One girl who ran out of money to buy drugs tries to sell sexual favors. "B**w jobs $20... r*m jobs $15."</i>

Is it just me, or did they just make that up based on what they captured on their stealth camera? I don't think the girl said right before that "I've run out of money and I'm giving head and rim jobs for $15".

This is the kind of story that should never make it on the air.

Take the goddamn cameras to a fu©king football game assholes and see how many numbnutz get wasted and high in the parking lot and drive home.

GEEZUZ. Let's email them.

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"dance until their feet bleed"


hippies doing drugs?? :o

kinda fills you in why so many kids left their hometowns when the lifestyle grew popular back in the mid-60s... to get away from the no-mind sensationalist bullshit at home... suprised they didn't toss in some devil worshiping... wonder if they even stopped to listen to the music

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