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Live Music Archive finally has 89' Dead!!


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Well the Live Music Archive has finally added 1989 to their Dead archive!!

They really have out done themselves...

Here is a real gem. You can buy this as "Night Fall of Diamonds", but here is another source to check out...its a real dooozy!!!

10-16-89 Meadowlands Arena, East Rutherford, N.J. (Mon)

1: Picasso Moon> Half Step, Stranger, Good Times, Built To Last, Memphis Blues, Let It Grow> Deal

2: Dark Star> Playin> Uncle John> Playin> Drumz> Take You Home> Miracle> Dark Star> Attics> Playin E: We Bid You Goodnight

Bob Weir's 42nd birthday

This is a great begginers guide to the GD, there are reviews, listings of favorite shows, and several different formats to choose from.


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I love you..............

That is one of my favorite shows. I am a 89-90 junkie (I first saw them in Spring 90, go figure).

I had the most UNBELIEVABLE experience on the *sid one night, laying on the 12th green of the Cataraqui golf course in Kingston with a Walkman. It was 1am-ish, and I watched the sky explode, almost like fireworks, but my body was doing the same thing.

Changed my life forever, so I am obviously biased, but I highly recommend that show.

Jesus Christ, the Dark Star! Midi-Jerry at his best.

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smoke another one bra....the highlight of this show is the sick Picasso opener.....

South of Maket in the land of ruin

you'll find all manner of action,

tinsel tigers in the Metal Room,

Stalking satisfaction.

They got'em packaged up for love and money

tattooed tots, and chrome spike bunnies

check my conscience at the DMZ

and roll on it, gonna roll in it honey

the place is packed, ceiling to floor

who's that behind the iron door...

jet black and hot to the core?

and what is she trying to show me?

Picasso moon, shattered light

diamond bullets ripping up the night

picasso moon, mirrored ball

we're just dancin'...ooh, just dancin'

in the middle of a mystery.

we're just dancin', ooh, just dancin'

play me an opera, had enough o' T.V.

we're just dancin'...ooh just dancin'

bigger than a drive-in movie.

Bigger than a drive-in movie to me...

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Holy fack! They stream the shows?!?!?!?!?

Jon - thank you so much!!! I've been dying for streaming live GD to play at work but this exceeds my wildest dreams!

Sinking my ears into 04-21-84 Philly Set II right now, one of my favorites...... here we go!

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ooooops - turns out the show/jam I was looking for was actually 01-25-93 Oakland Set II: Corinna > Playin Reprise > UJB > Drums.

The other show was good but this is the amazing jam I was originally looking for. Awesome! Seriously, take this jam for a ride sometime, you'll like it!.......

BTW - I prefer AUDs to SBDs (unless it's a Healy Matrix mix). Am I odd?

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Yes, you are odd. But for different reasons.

There were some really clear, crispy audience recordings coming out during the twilight of the Grateful Dead's career - I can understand exactly what you mean. Some of the soundboards from that era ('93-'95) sound waaaaay too cold.

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(notes from inside MarcO's head)

Ahhhhhh..... the band has just melted from Corinna into the Playin theme, with Garcia just flicking brilliant little specks of light over Vince's remarkably tasteful keyboard/piano licks.... the band is in full "floating" mode, nothing heavy, light as a feather, Bobby's getting antsy, picking up a little distortion and Vince is turning to synths only now.... Garcia's gonna go MIDI any second now, wait for it...... a little hint, a backstep, ahhhhh...... there it is: the "flute"..... Jerry Garcia, you did it again...... beee-u-tiful..... now they keep pushing up against the Playin jam, Bobby's guitar is in full "wounded whale" mode..... they're collectivley getting disonnant now, Bobby & Jerry having a full musical convergence and it's back to the Playin' lick.... a drift into a quick pause and Vince leads them right into the full Playin Reprise, vocals and all!

Ahhhhhhh................... fu©k that felt good. The only that could make it better would be if they played Uncle John's Band now..... hey!

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You know, typically, I will take a SBD any day, any band, BUT with the gdamn good ole Grateful Dead, I looooooooove the crispy aud's. There is something about that energy created collectively that can flow through my speakers when everything is firing on all cylinders.

Well, I usually like to test run all formats, and I have more sbd's of them than not, but those ultra-crispy audiences can make my nipples hard.

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Hello, 09-22-91 Boston Garden! I'm really digging some of this later-period stuff today! Here's a show with an amazing Shakedown to start (Hornsby!!!), an amazing Let It Grow, and a colossal pre-drums section, bursting with energy!

Back to the debate: here's a show I had on cassette, AUD copy, and part of the thrill of cranking it up and getting into it was hearing the audience just ROARING with anticipation before the show even gets underway, let alone as it progresses. None of that is to be found on this dry SBD recording. Those Deadhead tapers really took their jobs seriously and there just seemed to be combination of venues, mics, gear and Healy's mix that made some AUD tapes near perfect when it comes to providing an ambient impression of what shows *felt* like, especially when they played old indoor barns like this (Boston Garden).

Sorry for the rambling, I'm working solo today.... busy, but no-one to talk to......

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Well, check out the fan reaction to Help > Slipknot > Fire On The Mountain during 09-20-91.

Supports the theory.

Not to mention, Healy has said himself there are far superior to some of his boards, in reference to particular shows of which I cant remember right now.

Check out some of the work of our own resident, Weirdness. The Slip from May of this year in Montreal certainly comes to mind, and I also downloaded his Phish in NYC which I cant wait to hear.

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Computer shut down, lost connection the Garden show so......

Hi there, 9/26/81 Buffalo, NY (I can only imagine what would happen if I owned a burner...... or a computer for that matter....)!!!

Playin > Bertha > Estimated > GDTRFB > Drums/Space > NFA > Morning Dew > Playin = wow!!!

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ahhh, dead talk on a stoned monday afternoon... beautiful... i didnt realize that they streamed the shows either, this is gonna make work a whole lot better!

most of the dead shows i have are sbd's, and i can definately agree about the energy from a really good aud... it adds a whole other dimension to the show, a great essence. sorta tying in what booche mentioned about the slip, most of my slip shows are aud's, really good aud's for the most part, and yeah, there's definately a different feel to it.. with a band like that, it's almost necessary to be able to feel the energy of the crowd coming through the music.

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