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I dont mean to be a prick


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Lets be a little more careful out there

I have added some pics recently that suggests other wise, but that is far different than words.

I am sorry I had to delete a post, but I got a little freaked on that one. I am not trying to be a hypocrite, but we need to use a little more common sense.

Words are easily 'searched'

if you know what I mean...............

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It wasnt about hockey, and it wasnt as bad as you people probably think.

Lets just say, certain 'key words' should not be used in a public forum.

I dont know about Bouche, but I am quite alright with innuendo, and a few monickers.

Nobody is at fault, and no one is to blame. I just hope we dont have to develop a set of ground rules in the future. That will make it tough, and alot of stuff we see and read now would probably disappear.

Just be careful out there, especially in the lot scene. There are more under-cover's there than you realize. Dont draw attention to yourself.

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Originally posted by headygouda:

OK, now i'm confused...

Booche & Bouche are DIFFERENT people??!!

Don't the avatars give it away?

Work with me...one's a Stealy...and one's the crazy Blues Brother dude.

That reminds me, I need to upgrade my stealy.

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