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Dish The Dirt!


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Why not just come to the table here. It's not like there's any good Canadian dirt anyways apart from the occasional groupie poaching, drugging and handful of wannabe promoters (counting myself in at least two of those lots). Seriously though people we all know you know sh!t so dish. The bouchies are too pussed out to say anything outside of 'hey y'all see ya at CTMF'.

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alright alright..... i saw andrew rolling a big joint in the barn at ICT, and someone told me he did 2 or 3 grams of mushrooms right before the late night set with brad on bass and bobokar giabate on guitar/vocals...

there... i said it! :o

hahaha... seems kinda funny, actually... oooohhhhhhhhhhhh...

what i'd really like to know is what were they on while they played that monster 3 hour set... hadda be sumthin..

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I am doing Guigsy next.

Seriously, Warren Haynes is a chronic, but you already knew that one Zero.

Phil Lesh uses some sort of *aparatus* (probably one of those vaporisor thingies) because he promised his doctor he wouldnt smoke anymore.

What do I know? Seriously, I dont keep my ear that close to the ground, and the other Bouche couldnt give two shits.

See ya at CTMF!

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yeah, but, i dunno man, i almost expect most of these guys to be on something while they're playing... if its expected, its seems less like dirt, you know?... but yeah, if i'm in that space and the music is hitting me like it is, than i can only imagine how much more intensified it must be for the musicians playing it, if in fact they are whacked out on 2 or 3 grams of mushrooms, or their drug of choice... a bigger question: how the fu©k do they keep it together?

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Uh could you maybe rephrase that one so's we don't end up on this thread.



oh, and i almost forgot, my buddy sold drugs... i believe oil and shrooms... to a couple dudes in Big Wreck at some Edgefest once upon a time.

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Ha ha ha ha. Here's my lame contribution.

Blackie and the Rodeo Kings smoked alot of pot before and after, and I found a file and a thin sheet of coke-residued plastic in Tom Wilson's dressing room. Oh, the horror.

There was also some talk about Wyclef asking around for "Party Girls" for after the show. Utter shock.

And remember I told you Lyle Lovett is an a$$hole? he still is.

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Sorry folks I beg to differ. I didn't see the act with my own two eyes but I know Tom's trailer smelled awful funny after he came out of it. The man was also rambling a mile a minute to me about a shirt he'd just bought and isn't it nice and too bad it doesn't have snaps and this n' that....

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