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Toronto promoters - get Keller Williams!!!


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I think the crowd at that Charlie/Keller show picked up a bit after Keller, did you stick around for a lot of Hunter's set Steve?

Speaking of bands promoters could lose a chunk of change booking up here...

Donna The Buffalo are playing October 15th in Buffalo and appear to have the 14th off. Somebody throw some money at those guys, they kick ass.

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you know it really means alot to see this kind of support, you know i am trying to bring this huge jazz thing to town and the support from that has been great. I have spoken with a lot of journalists and we set up a email thingy on my jazz website for people to reply which is really cool. BUT to be perfectly honest with you, my heart lies in this scene. This is the music that i love and the bands i bring in are a reflection of my tastes and interests. I have to tell you that support in this scene is so crucial to the scene growing and gaining the high profile and sometimes even (just starting out) bands that we all want to see. I'm sure there is no shock to any one that is in some way associated with the business side of this scene that bringing these jambands accross the border is often at times tricky and moreso financially scary. I'm in a position to really expand the scene in toronto and hopefully a little bit outside of toronto (without stepping on any toes)!!! These bands are fore the most part established south of the border which transaltes into them wanting more money than they may be able to produce. IT is a hard thing to manage becuse a show like charlie hunter/DJ Logic will sell out the knitting factory every time, and may or may not produce good numbers here. It is hard to get these acts at a fee that doesn't create a relatively high break even. I am fully committes to this scene and trust me have, i have major plans to expand it and will hopefully have some great announcements coming up soon, but financially it is hard to sustain and to progress it up to the trey band, dead, vida blue level without the total support of the fans of this scene. You know i would hope that the AGP show next week brings out alot of people and rightly so it should. They are and i share this feeling with many of my US counterparts one of the hottest and brightest up an comers in this scene and for a chance to see two sets for ten bucks with a great opener at such an intimate venue like the 360 is a great opportunity to have an awesome rocking night. But if the show comes out mediocre it will deter great groups like this from wanting to come back and make the effort trust me it is a definite effort to cross over here especially as the bands get bigger and bigger. I am in NO WAY saying that you should come out and buy tickets to my shows just to support the scene but if you like the bands and would like to see this trend of more consistent musical events north of the border, make the drive or put in the effort to try and make the shows and keep the scene expandng. JAMBANDS.ca is a great example of how a tight network of fans can get together and express what they love and their views on the scene. I tell you that i am trying to really put together Some HUGE shows for the not so far future but it is going to take the support of the scene to make them happen. I would love to hear your opinions on my feelings here. I have spoken with many people in the scene as well as other music generes and i am always love to talk music and business with whoever is interestd.

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i can think of 20 other bands i'd rather see promoters booking in toronto. but i've always said keller would great at a CTMF!!!


DOn't get me wrong, I think Keller is amazingly talented - he just don't keep or peak my interest. The last time I saw him, I actually went for a walk to look at vendors. But sh!t, we're moving to Newfoundland so what the fu©k does it matter what I say!?!?!

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