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So how did the Ottawa crew enjoy..


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First off, I cant really say. I did all I could to get there in the first place.

So, regarding your next question:

There’s a deepness to Nero that is easily forgotten, whilst you haven’t experienced them, and then, up to experiencing them, it’s even more than deep. Its heavily heady, man.

One of my favorite qualities, is the fact they can play until I forget what they are playing.

The best part: it usually happens in the first 4 minutes.

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Jonyak, from the way you were enjoying the music, I hope you don't share 'how' you got the free disc. Just keep it between the sheets


NSG were very driven. They were clearly into what they were playing and it was honest. There are certain faces that give a clear picture of a connection to music, and they are definately into their own grooves as much as everyone in the room.

There are no fake guitar faces here. Just pure dirty groove faces. Awesome! They had a pretty solid crowd before nero, and after talking to a number of people, the consensus was unanimimonimous. They should definately make Ottawa a regular visit.

nero, well, the only time there's any disappointment is when the show is somewhere else than where I am. Hahah, and Andre did turn around and say "Sh!t, I forgot they were playing this" after a long crazy-ass jam.

I'm tending to really dig the Maverick's layout. They kept the left side of the stage clear of gear and now it's all dance room. The sound was pretty darn good there too, and it offers a new vantage point to see...well...nero.

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really glad there's a good buzz about TNSG... i remember catching the tail end of a set of theirs in london a while back... and when i say tail end, i literally mean the last few minutes of the last song... if memory serves, they were covering Shakedown St., and it sounded very cocaine laced early 80's style... i was diggin' it... caught them for an entire set at the Attic in Halifax before Evolve, and thought they were fu©kin smokin'. im really looking forward to seeing how these guys grow with it.. all the best to 'em.

mikey, i liked what ya said about the honesty in the guitar faces... bang on.

and yeah, fu©kin nero, what else needs to be said? i had a couple of those andre moments at evolve, they really can take you all over the place... its like laying down in the backseat of a car while it's driving around, and you kinda forget where you are and lose your sense of direction for a few, but eventually you get it back... its fu©kin great.

i know london seems like a fu©kin joke to play these days, but im still gonna plead for you guys to come back... hey, there's a bandshell in the park that no one seems to use after labour day, why dont you guys just show up and lay it down for us till they kick you off? i'll bring punch and pie. c'mon. grow some balls. ::

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as far as the bandshell you have to pay to get the power on.

i'd start trying to organize it. if we get enough people out to party and throw in $5 we could have a helluva time!

and yes - as lame as london was for me i still had a great time when i went out. it's a great town and it's too bad that nobody's really helping to realize it.

i mean people go to shows in hamilton but nobody is ever up to drive to London unless they're going for another reason.

london shows were some of the best shows of my life. i've complained about this and that but not because the times and situations are particularly bad...all it would take is a few people coming out and given'r every so often - livening up the scene with some outside influence.

guigsy...drop a line if you have any questions or ideas. i'm always listening.

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haha, well, i was really just kidding around about the bandshell... i know it needs power. and permits. and all that sh!t.

i started to write some, but i'd rather not hijack this thread... when i have clearer, more concise thoughts, maybe i'll post something...

but dont worry, rob, i hear ya loud and clear.

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