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Calgary's got the love!


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I was just in Calgary this summer during a cross-country drive. The one thing I found really freaky was while I was out for a late-night walk. I was near a large park, and I could hear a crazy cackling, yelping, chaotic sound. It turns out that there are vast numbers of huge packs of coyotes running around Calgary eating pets and things. I'm certainly used to coyotes in my neighbourhood, and even bears and cougars, but that cacophonic yelping pack noise was just freaky! ::

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I am not trying to insult Calgary by any means. That was just what I was told by the people I was staying with, and the way they said it I thought it was common knowledge in Calgary. (Maybe it was something entirely different and they were just fu-king with me.) They told me they won't let their dog run in the nearby park off leash at night because of packs of coyotes, and that was the noise we heard. Were they making this up? It really had me on edge at the time since we were walking in this park at like 1 am. (I hope you weren't offended.)

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