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Suffering Fools


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I went back to my original post to see what you were all whining about (LargeMarge, MoMack and I am presuming Slippery is hiding behind an avatar). Seriously get off your high horse (and this is me talking for christ sake). I don't even want to bother quoting what I said but suffice to say you all did sh!t on the Dogs save for Marge who attempted to say she got it and just genuinely didn't like it. I did not get the same sense from the others. Let's try and appreciate that as a music journalist and lover I get very few moments like these - the moment of discovery of a great thing. I am genuinely struggling with whether as a community we have anything in common other than a handful of bands and drugs/alcohol. It strikes me more and more that we in fact do not have very much in common at all. This scenario was proof positive of that. I did in fact get drawn into this because I was not talking so much about the literal group I was with (who's the egotists now) as the phenomena. People I didn't know well who had the Grateful Dead's music in common didn't appreciate the uniqueness I perceived in the Golden Dogs. It's not a big deal but it is fascinating to discuss. I attributed it to not spending a great deal of time listening to new music and perhaps not knowing a great deal about the dynamics of musicians (of which I have rarely ever seen a lock such as the Dogs have and frankly I think it rivals a band like the Grateful Dead in their heyday as absurd as that likely sounds). There are so many facets to this, the ethics of being a good host, acquaintance vs. friendship, inclusion and exclusion. I am glad it has come to this but I would ask those throwing stones in glass houses to take a quick glance inward and acknowledge their complicity.

you figured it out!

my real name is not Mister Slippery.

and i aint hiding behind nothing. i was not there at the elmo, i was at rancho. i just didnt like the way you wrote what you wrote.

dave osborne

(not hiding)

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Yeah right I'm pretty sure you used the word 'respect' in that sentence. I was slandered and accused of thievery, it was done in a slightly veiled way but one that foresaked the individual's right to anonymity. Moreover my first name was used by 'LargeMarge' earlier in this thread- I see no rebuke directed in her direction. Apparently what is good enough for the geese is not good enough for the gander. Whether we want to admit it or not our so-called anonymous personaes correspond to real life people. If I am not entitled to anonymity, which is to say if I have to face retribution off of this board for remarks I make, no one is or should be (to my mind).

Bouche as an aside you know better than to cross swords with me. At this rate you'll have to rename this place Jamhub because I am one of the only things distinguishing the two. This is not kung or zero talking this is Luke Cathcart Bowden, journalist/impresario/agent provocateur.

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Exactly welcome to the Panopticon with the exception that that reference likely only means anything to you and I and a handful of others. I know that MoMack is a solid guy, I thought he was when he was just a handle on the board, I thought he was the other night and I still think he is. What you're not appreciating is that MoMack presumably called LargeMarge who called me at work to berate me about this non-issue. That is my point. IF you want to take things said here (laced as they are with satire, irony, humour, dissimulation and strife) and take them out there into the real world, into my real world, expect the same in return. I also have received no further indication from Bouche as to why it is okay to use my name in a thread but no one else's. There's a question of scruples for you. I have not used anyone else's name and rarely if ever do even though everyone knows who everyone is anyways with a handful of exceptions. I outed myself you are right but it was the only way I could defend myself and I was by no means whatsoever going to sit and take that crock of total sh!t. What it does is perpetuate the misunderstandings people have about me and my online persona, it builds further prejudice against me personally when the prejudice should be directed at my online persona. The medium is the message.

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are you serious? i thought he made it pretty obvious by quoting willy's request to call people out, as it related exactly to what zero had said... which i think is where this whole thing went wrong. it used to be an idea.

at any rate, this thread is a great example of why i lack strength in dealing with people and have become more indifferent and apathetic as my days have gone on.

Ah fu©k it.

Sure! fu©k it! That's your answer! Tattoo it on your forehead! Your answer to everything!

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...this weekend I took some people to see the Golden Dogs and not only did they not get that it was absolutely mind blowingly good music they shat on it too.

That didn't work out for you eh? Perhaps you should have stayed at Caution Jam. ;) In any event, were not some of those people also members of this board? If so, I'd love to hear their take on the situation. Personally, I have not had the opportunity to listen to the Golden Dogs so I do not have an opinion as of yet.

willy wasnt brought into this. he brought himself into it. that was my point, that there was no point to doing that. i can accept the fact that you wont find whats between the lines, but please, at least read whats actually there.

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hah, i can always count on marco to make me smile...

sugarmegs, here's my point, and then i'll leave it well enough alone: my point was that willy's request for people from the board to speak for themselves kinda took away the anonymity of the whole subject... well, until that point there was no mention of anyone from the board.. and i think it was unnecessary for a 3rd party to draw it out, regardless of his intentions.

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Well I hope everyone enjoyed the trainwreck. I would particularly like to thank MoMack (who is now identified in my post as xxxxxxx) for taking this whole matter far too literally, for having nothing of substance to contribute, for greatly adding to my aggravation with the species particularly the skidbag hippy variety and just for generally being a total pussy. Again the problem here is I really liked and do like the guy. I suspect that when your occupation is paying out as little as possible to insurance subscribers that the subtleties of irony and satire aren't really high on your list. So really thanks again for being such an ignorant twat and not being able to appreciate the most basic level of satire. Good on you. Thanks also for calling me a thief and having no response whatsoever. I'll be sure to send a check for the 14 cents worth of salvia I smoked, the five beers and glass of draft. I guess I just didn't take heady tour mathematics. Of course I will be expecting a check for your music lessons and social comportment exercises. Too bad after all those years on tour you have so very little to say or show for it and in fact if your current occupation is any indication your values have not been affected in the least by the great gifts Phish has given you. Love and Action beeyotch.

As to how it is okay to use my first name in a thread and not this guy's again that is beyond me. It doesn't really matter what I call myself because as soon as I type in any sort of a literate fashion you're going to know it's me. That's one of the challenges when you are trying to buoy up a culture of philistines and hedonists with thought provoking mindful reminiscences.

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This is something that scares me:

What it does is perpetuate the misunderstandings people have about me and my online persona, it builds further prejudice against me personally when the prejudice should be directed at my online persona. The medium is the message

I don't know what to feel about a statement like that. Certainly in the online world you're forced to take on a different persona. In my case I can't amuse any of you with my card tricks or incredible baldness at such a young age. But common decency and respect for one's privacy should be rock-solid no matter who you are virtually or in reality or whatever! I don't really care who is to blame here but all parties involved should be aware that

1. What you say to someone in person may end up here online

2. What you say online may be picked up on in the real world

3. On both counts it makes sense to treat one another respectfully.

I'm surprised sometimes that I haven't met more of you at shows, and that's my own shyness perhaps, but seeing the sh!t that erupts when the lines are blurred makes it pretty difficult to convince me that it's at all worth it?!

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This is what I hate about life....so many people concentrate on the negative!!! (just like the News)

(ahess - don't shy away from meeting people, there's always going to be that one bad apple in the bunch) fu©k there's so many beautiful people and things in life to concentrate on!

Start enjoying life, and get rid of the negative!!!!

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I suppose it goes without saying that my view is not to ignore the negative at the expense of the positive. There is a genuine problem in our scene around the herd mentality, people trying to be everything for everybody, gossip and generally trying to hide away from the darker and more tragic aspects of life. It is the best of scene's and the worst of scene's. I see both sides although more often than not as of late it is the middling lame aspects. Next week at the Slip we will see the dark and the light together.

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I understand and realize there's dark and light....

The way I try and look at things is ignore those people that I don't enjoy. Never try and dictate what "good" or "bad" music is to someone else (music moves people on so many different levels, and people use music for so many different reasons) - EACH TO THEIR OWN!

And Just be yourself! Look in the mirror and judge yourself before you go judging someone else's life or personality.

( in no way am I implying that anyone here does or doesn't do these things), I'm just stating how I like to stay more in the "light", then the "dark".

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I hadn't even read this thread... just find it basically depressing now that I have (and like others, already have lots of things I'm depressed about, some I've dealt with, some I'm trying to deal with)... honestly have no opinions on anything related as I wasn't at the event and don't know most of the people involved in the dispute... some things can't be worked out in e-mail let alone on a public discussion board and need to be talked out in person... basically like having to listen to people yell at each other in the next apartment, frankly none of my business so I wish it wasn't being pushed on me... lots of my own sh!t to worry about, though I don't announce it to my online acquaintances or the people at the bar because they're my problems, not theirs

honestly hope it all works out, I'm in no capacity to try to help currently

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It's not really a big deal. I mean I am not likely to see eye to eye with the other people involved but this was such a non-starter. If you have a beef with something I've said here then come on here and in a straightforward (i.e. not veiled) fashion say 'hey that's not cool for this that and the other reason'. That did not happen here. The individuals involved pride themselves on their obscurity and have an expectation of privacy to which I didn't believe they were entitled. Furthermore anything that falls under my gaze is potential grist for the mill so just encountering me in the 'real world' can be enough cause for you or a parodied version thereof to appear here.

Sorry this bummed you out and added to your grief Paisley. I was just sharpening up the old wook filet knives.

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