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Half Of Residents In Canadian Town Implicated In Sweeping Pot Raid

SEYMOUR ARM, British Columbia -- This lakeside hamlet is so remote it can be reached only by boat or logging road, and so small there is only one store. But investigators say many of the 60 residents were involved in one business operation -- growing marijuana.

One hundred Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers executed search warrants on 14 homes and 14 vehicles Tuesday and found several factory-sized operations within a 2 1/2-mile radius, said Police Superintendent Marianne Ryan. At least 16 people were arrested in the rustic town about 240 miles northeast of Vancouver and more arrests are likely, she said.

"We've never seen anything like this before, not where a whole community is affected this way," Ryan said.

The raid followed a two-year investigation that started with complaints from other residents, and some officers were approached on the town's dirt street by people who thanked them for the raid, officers said.

"These people are really glad this is over," Sgt. John Ward said.

Ed Doll, who has spent summers in Seymour Arm for 20 years, said the village was an ideal spot for marijuana businesses.

"This is a remote area only accessible by boat and a single logging road. It's the last place anyone would look," Doll said.

Shane Roth said he didn't want the place to be known for drug activity.

"I don't want people to think Seymour Arm and then think of that kind of culture," Roth said.

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fu©k, people are so annoying! i don't smoke pot and i am so pissed about this! who cares if people were growing pot. it doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't add any evil to the world, i'm sure it didn't hurt the downtown economy of symour arm. the residents who "are glad this is over" seem to have a blind allegiance to authority. just because something is the law doesn't make it right. fu©k! aaarrrrrgggghhhhhh. logic logic logic where are you? aaarrggghhhh!!!!!!!

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quite often people steal electricity to feed their lighting, ventilation, and ionization systems.

if they had been stealing power from individuals then it'd be a godsend to an electricity bill.

but if not then i'm pissed that people have their heads stuck up everybody else's asses.

the trick is to displace the ENTIRE community next time...anybody else up for the challenge?

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I'm almost positive Seymour Arm is a where there's a huge harvest party each year, the growers from all over head up with the best of their crops to compare notes and celebrate... had a friend who lived not far from there 12 years ago... yeah I'm sure everyone there is happy they got busted, must've been someone who's crops hadn't been found yet trying to get the heat off of themselves... sure a hell of a time of the year to get popped but I guess that'll happen (if you're going to get grabbed would make sense you want it to happen before you pick it all)

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i see your point about the electricity, so i will concede on that one. but who cares about a party? everyone has parties! so what if the smell of pot wafts around the neighborhood. pot smells good! (it just makes me gag to smoke it, that's why i don't). the residents sound like bored hicks that had to exercise their control on somebody and simply picked the easiest target. i'm still totally annoyed.

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Depends who they're selling to and if the buyers are coming to town to purchase. That kind of quantity isn't usually sold to the type of people I like to hang around.

That, of course, opens up another can of worms on the illegal nature of the biz. Legalize the lot of it and you would knock a huge amount of violent crime out of the BIG business side of it...

My $0.02

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guess I didn't really explain my point too well... from what I heard everyone in Salmon Arm grows, your grandma, your sister... which is why they have a big harvest party... maybe, upon thinking it over more, they're just chasing some big players who moved in outta there... I was thinking they had grabbed mostly the nice artist types who supplement their living by having a little field in the backyard, I really hope not... will have to wait until a west coaster friend drifts through for the full story I guess

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