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To those staying at the Econo Lodge for The Slip->


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In another thread Alexis wrote the following:

"If there could be a list of names the rooms are booked under it would probably do best to call the specific location in montreal (long distance be damned) and let them know NOW to book us all on the same floor. it's hard to reshuffle people when they're not with our crew and already checked into the room . all it takes is 1 person to be on that floor to mess it up."

And I agree. So, if you're staying at the Econo lodge let's all get together and take up a whole floor and give them fair warning. That way we avoid the hassles - last time it really was just one room on the floor that wasn't with us, and he rightfully complained all night until he checked out around 5am.

Soooo...let's start a list and I'll call and get us all on the same floor. Just let me know by posting or pm me what name you booked under.

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i'll put this out there now... if anyone has room in their room for one more, i might need a place to stay in montreal.. i havent yet gotten confirmation with the folks that said they wanted to make the trip, so im not sure if we're all hooked up or not yet... my buddy has a friend in montreal that we've stayed with before... but, this could also end up being a somewhat solo mission... so, yeah, consider me on my knees and at your feet.. just in case.. cheers.

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Just tried to phone and book a room and they didn't seem to know anything about putting us all on the same floor. Anyone get confirmation of this? The lady said that they can't make any guarantees and I told her that it was in their best interest to put everyone on the same floor. Hopefully they'll do it...

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Last time I think there were 5 maybe 6 rooms booked through us. It may not be enough to fill a floor, but if they don't have to mix us with the normies then they shouldn't. I would still give them a call sometime this week. Maybe try to see if that night manager is still there, he'll understand.

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Here's the dealio:

They have 17 rooms per floor and there's no way they can isolate us. I tried to explain that I was just giving them the heads up and if they crowded us together it would be better for all of us. She didn't really understand, so fuggit, we'll just go at it as we did last time, and damn the torpedoes.

I didn't divulge any of our names.

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She probably doesn't care because she probably never has to work the PM shift! I was always the 3-11 Front Desk girl - it sucked. I use to have to deal with the Meaford Army boys coming in on their weekends off....strippers, parties. But all I had to say was "i'm calling the military police if you don't shut up!!!"

They knew they had one warning from me, and if the police where involved they could have been in a lot of trouble!!!!

**Maybe when people get there they can switch rooms then.

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