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Going Postal


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This scene needs to be shaken out of the morass of ignorance it has fallen into.


There are great improvisational bands and there are not so great improvisational bands

Very true. But that's they way with everything. There will always be different levels of talent. People get different things out of music. Some people enjoy technical prowess, some people enjoy intelligent lyrics, some people enjoy the groove, some people enjoy improvisation, etc... I'm not a musician, nor have i studied music, so really I could care less how good a musician is (from a technical point of view), I don't hear the actual lyrics (just the sounds and melodies of the words), what I really hear is the groove and the sounds, I love what happens when a band starts to improvise. I like lots of different music, but for me nothing beats a live act that jams. To me Disel Dog and TSG sound great, but The White Stripes just sounds like noise. People like things for different reasons, doesn't make it right or wrong, it just is. Some people love bar bands, some people love stadium rock, they all exist because there is an audience. You can not like something for whatever reasons but that doesn't mean that a person who does like is any lesser of a person.

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i love the turn this thread has taken... as it was something i was going to post about earlier to spark conversation... the idea of what people get out of music, and that it seems bickering about bands around here is usually a product of miscommunication about what it is each of us is looking for in, or getting out of, music. if we all knew what it was we wanted or got out of it, and communicated that, i think there'd be a lot more understanding and less pissing and moaning about this band or that. some people seem to be more passive about it, while others seem to be more passionate about it.

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This place has become the Tower of Babble!

Become? I thought we got there a while ago!

P.S. What are some cool places to go in calgary? I'm going there in about 3 hours and have a free day tomorrow.

Eau Claire Market's kinda nice to walk around. Had my first ever Grasshopper & Trad there long before Big Rock came to Ontario. Enjoy!

- M.

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well, personally I like Deisel Dog, because when I see them I think, and I like what I think about.. puts me in a zone.. so thanks double D... and as for Luke, I like what you write, I remember getting into it with you before and you brought up the notion of censorship... we are all entitled to an opinion.. however, I would becareful as to how I discredit others on the board and their friends... But criticism is a necessary device to get stimulation...

its alright to spread what u think

as long as its not the flava of sh!t and stink...

oh, and Stone Mountain has been laying down some incredible rhymes, you should check them out before you make a comment about nothing coming from his or her keyboard...

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I should be careful about what I lay down or else what? I'll alienate a bunch of hippies. I think that was already a given, the herd thinks together on these matters, the people that know me know me and know what I'm on about and I can't be everything to everyone. Trying to be everything to everyone never works although this scene has certainly tried. Has it occured to anyone that I am fairly comfortable with not being liked by everyone and that in fact it may not be me that has the problem.

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i am in agreement with mr. musicface and cyberhippie in the fact that yes, to each his own..some people like some things that others don't and vica versa...i too love some 80's hair rock (hehe) and it is not because it is particulary talented but it is fun and brings back memories for me. I have a wide taste in music with very few dislikes. Some may not agree with me, but you can't really argue likes and dislikes.

But Zero, i will agree that maybe more folks in the scene do need to broaden their showgoing (or something to that effect, but who am i to say though really???). Through out the summer when I was a Pepperjacks fairly often seeing incredible bands or artists performing with no one there because everyone would be out seeing the same band they always see. I am not say there is anything wrong with those bands but there were so many times when i thought "man, this is really amazing and no one is here to see it". It is a shame sometimes but hell, i love to see some of my favourite bands alot too. But i don't think it merits this level of frustration, generalized name-calling and judgement. All of us could bitch 'till the cows come home' about this, that and the other thing in life. If you feel you are in the right about something then live that for yourself, not others, and be a living example. I learned a long time ago that pushing your thoughts on folks doesn't work and creates anger. (had that sort of problem being frustrated and angry with people's lack of environmental concern).

ps..i love dancing to diesel dog ;)

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Trying to be everything to everyone never works although this scene has certainly tried.

It has?!? Sorry was I asleep when that happened? This is scene is as elitist as any I can imagine. Don't know what the Dead played on 1976-06-19? Don't know why Phish '97 is obviously superior to Phish 2002? Well you're not really part of the scene then, are you?

That, BTW, was not said as a cut-up to anyone here in particular but there is certainly an implicit assumption by many folks that everyone in the scene has certain background knowledge about certain music which does make it, in it's own way, very elitist. Not a criticism really, just an observation.

- M.

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fu©k dude, on 6-19-76 the Dead were at the Capital Theatre in Passaic, New Jersey! Had a great 18-minute Playin In The Band to close the first set! Everyone knows that. sheesh!

And I prefer the minimalistic approach of 2002 Phish to the "let's play gigs" approach of 1997. But then I'm an enigma.

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