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Going Postal


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I don't really get your response face. I am saying people are overly concerned about hurting one another's feelings, tend to think with one mind and circle the wagons when someone deviates from the norm- just generally accepting even over accepting which is more to my point and uncritical.

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the only thing that has really made me uncomfortable with any of your posts on this thread Zero is the term "herd" when it comes to "our " scene... if you consider yourself part of "our scene" then why is it that all you tend to do is belittle much of it? this so called "herd" is for the most part "friends"... which is if im not mistaken what this board was originally meant for and still is... i have to say i do enjoy your posts when it comes to music but when it comes to taking shots at bands that frequent this board and are a part of our scene then doesnt that just come across as hurtful? if you dont like their music or their fans then don't go to their shows, its pretty simple... or if not why not make these statements directly to them privately as noted earlier so their hard work isnt affected by a lack of turnout.. mind you, negative free advertising is still free advertising... so who really knows what is right...

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there is nothing wrong with honesty, which is a good point z... I had a discussion with my grade nines over the subject the other day... Feste in 12th night makes the remark

"Now my foes tell me plainly I am an ass; so that by my foes sir, I profit in the knowledge of myself, and by my friends I am abused. So that, conclusions to be as kisses."


your arguement reminded me of that... there is nothing wrong with not liking Deisel Dog... I think you do seem to be a little dramatic in how you criticize and that may ruffle some feathers... however, the wheels are spinning here...

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Oh okay, I misunderstood the "all things to all people" line. I thought you meant the taste of the scene is trying to appeal to everyone and the scene itself doesn't try to be exclusive. My mistake, sorry.

But if you're saying that people are cattle and suffer from groupthink, do you really think that is worse in this scene than others? I don't buy really that either. People in this scene may be like-minded and reinforce each others opinions, but usually not about things that are truly horrifically bad like most radio crap.

You want uncritical groupthink, stand in front of the top 40 at HMV at the Eatons Centre sometime. Everyone who logs into this board is about 100 times more discriminating about music than most of the folks who you're likely to see there.

- M.

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MarcO, my eyes need an enema after reading your last post. Get serious and quit fu©king around.

"I don't really get your response face. I am saying people are overly concerned about hurting one another's feelings, tend to think with one mind and circle the wagons when someone deviates from the norm- just generally accepting even over accepting which is more to my point and uncritical. "

WHICH, creates an illusion of a 'scene' as far as I see it.

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Whoa buddy easy there I think he was saying who are we to lord ourselves over the rest of the uhm herd. That's all I think. Of course this presumed notion of equality, while cutesy in a buddhist kind of way, doesn't bear itself out well in reality. For there to be equality in this realm of endeavour you would have to have read most of the major texts in the western canon (and a good chunk of the eastern) in their entirety. I know how that sounds but seriously I have invested a great deal of time in my education, this is how I express myself and it is really a matter of proper usage of a full vocabulary not self aggrandizement (for the most part). At what point am I entitled to my forcefully held opinion? At what point do I gain credibility? Anyways I think that is what irks people is when anyone in this overly egalitarian scene holds themselves up over others.

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Whoa buddy easy there I think he was saying who are we to lord ourselves over the rest of the uhm herd. That's all I think. Of course this presumed notion of equality, while cutesy in a buddhist kind of way, doesn't bear itself out well in reality. For there to be equality in this realm of endeavour you would have to have read most of the major texts in the western canon (and a good chunk of the eastern) in their entirety. I know how that sounds but seriously I have invested a great deal of time in my education, this is how I express myself and it is really a matter of proper usage of a full vocabulary not self aggrandizement (for the most part). At what point am I entitled to my forcefully held opinion? At what point do I gain credibility? Anyways I think that is what irks people is when anyone in this overly egalitarian scene holds themselves up over others.

well, I would say as soon as you recognize there is more to life than reading and music. :: ::

and who the fu©k is that Kung fella anyhow??? ::

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sorry, I had felt like I needed to respond like I was on Family Feud---Survey says "sex."

Of course, that is the number one answer... however, my point would be this... I would consider myself well rehearsed in both the literature and music...however, I try (emphasis on try-- for I know I can be arrogant at times) with others to not consider myself a member of the intellectual elite, for I believe that no one is an empty vessel, and just because they don't spend their time studying what I think is of importance doesn't mean they don't know as much as I do... For example, How fu©king "handy" are you?? I know that up until 2 years ago, I had virtually zero experience with any sort of manual labour, until I helped out on a farm... great fu©king experience I might add... and I am still quite useless in that department...

anyhow, I am going to eat. later.

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This sh!t is PURE fu©king GOLD!!!! ::

Zero, there are reasons most folk lurk around your posts and don't chime in, and it has nothing to do with being uneducated dimwit ignorant self congratulatory philistine fuckwads with nothing relevant or pertinent to contribute. (Gold, GOLD I tell you!!!!)

I have a strong feeling that the main reason has to do with the fact that you are one scary, unpredicatable mo-fo who has no apparent control over his rage and most folks are within driving distance of your town. They are worried they will wake up in the middle of the nite with their rabbit boiling on the stove and you standing over their bed with a fuggin chainsaw....Postal, indeed!

It's one thing to entertain with witty banter and to chide with humor and good natured ribbing. What you got goin on is schoolyard bullying taken to a psychotic extreme.

Every now and then I see an actual human being poke it's head out from behind your persona to toss around a few token self serving nuggets of basic respect for the people on this board (though it's never sincere), but for the most part you seem to be so dillusional about your self importance that you really believe deep down that you are actually justified in your attacks on these poor people! I've never seen such hate filled outbursts! Wow!

You are a paradox wrapped in an enigma (I love that line!)...and once again, I must say that I am addicted to you. Other than wishing you had a pinch of humility added to your cauldron of bile, I hope you never change, EVER! You provide a beautiful contrast that is necessary in all our lives. You challenge us. You anger us which then forces us to look within ourselves to question our reactions. Sure, it ain't fun when you are pointing your hate-tainted perception at us, but dammit if you don't provoke deep introspection into our own characters and what it means to be an opinionated, music-loving hippie! This board couldn't survive without you...we need you!

Gush. You da bomb, Luke, oops, I mean Kung, errr Zero, rather. :)

xo Love

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I'm actually really glad that Spudly didn't go postal on me. Seriously. Here's perhaps my last thought on this particular topic- it's all about the medium. If we were face to face, if we had any history together, if indeed this very exchange were taking place in person (which perhaps it couldn't) I think everyone would take away a far different impression of what I am trying to accomplish. You would see the smirk on my face, you would read my facial cues, body language, you would read the snickers on my friends faces saying 'he's baiting you don't fall for it or rather do'. I think when I gauge my motivations certainly sheer entertainment is right up there, there is however a more altruistic motivation that revolves around my attempts at transparency. If I am transparent about my foibles and actually stay in the kitchen and take the heat my hope is that others will too. Doubt that if you want. I hear people saying don't judge us because you don't know us. Well I presume the irony of that request is lost on most of the herd. Don't presume to know me, there is a reason that people come to my defense or that I get away with what seems like murder. This week of insanity ranting was in a lot of ways my line in the sand. Yes I am a polarizing figure, yes conflict is good and yes I am comfortable with being lionized. My friends know me and know what I am on about, my acquaintances think they know me and I am fine with that. You're either with me or against me (although a number of you are likely with and against me!) and I don't care much which.

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