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"When asking if man can really change, I assume you mean fundamentally. It's a pet theory of mine that women better accommodate change than men do because of the biological vicissitudes that mark their lives - ovulation, menstruation (gross!), pregnancy, childbirth, menopause. By contrast, the typical man, usually around adolescence, invents a persona for himself. He establishes a personal brand identity and ships himself out as a marked man. A changed man?

There is no such animal. I don't believe in epiphanies, personal growth, midlife crises, or death bed conversions. I'm convinced that the assumptions behind psychiatry, prison reform, and religion are all false."

anybody care to expand or refute?

Personally, I understand where this is coming from as I've had many moments in my life where i've figured out something really profound...I have rarely taken the steps to adjust my life accordingly.

I believe that epiphanies etc. are important and happen but the individual must further take the steps necessary to realize these ideas and break the boundaries set by one's self.

I've been struggling with my goals and what other people want from me for the past long while. It's hard to be the person I want to be. I have a hard time with social compromise (my long posts that just glance off responses' blows (purely for example)) and I'm fairly sensitive in many regards. The only thing I have to hold onto is myself and I'm constantly trying to update my personal image.

why get rid of that old pair of sneakers when they still fit, are comfortable, and still functional, right? what can i say...they don't make sneakers like they used to.

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Hi, my name's Dave Foley, and, uh, something you might not know about me is that .. I have a good attitude towards menstruation. That's right, I'm the guy! The guy with a good attitude towards menstruation!

Oh, I know a lot of men are made uncomfortable by this monthly miracle. But not me. No, I embrace it. Embrace it the way the way some men embrace the weekend! Why I anticipate it the way a child anticipates Christmas!

Did you know that, uh, in alot of native Indian cultures, menstruating woman were forced to leave the village, less thier *powerful* magic should overwhelm the Shaman? If I were Shaman, I wouldn't be so competitive. I'd be more open and giving. I'd be a shaman with... a good attitude towards menstruation!

'Cause after all, what is it? a cluster of blood vessels, awaiting a fertilized egg. Providing a safe warm place for that egg to grow. And if a life does not occur, the whole thing is flushed away, and the cycle begins again. Now is that anything to be ashamed of or disgusted by? No, this is the nesting stuff of humanity!

That's why the woman I shall love will be able to menstruate as fully and freely as she desires. Even if her monthly flow should build in intensity to a raging rust colored torrent! An unbridled river of life giving blood flowing from between her legs! An awesome cataract plunging off the edge of our couch. I wouldn't be fazed! No, no, even if coureur de bois would come up stream, battling the rapids, and singing a 'jaunty song'! I would take no offense, rather I would ford across that mighty womanly river, and fetch herbal tea and Pamprin. And then I would mop her brow and admire her fecundity. For I...Have A Good Attitude....Towards MENSTRUATION!

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dave foley...you rock!

glad nobody's addressing the post like i wrote that biased blurb above...but i do think that perhaps that if i were in a native Indian culture as Squid brought out, I'd probably be weary of the week leading up to the furious magic that flows from women each month...if magic can transform or POSESS women (such strong, intelligent pillars of the community) then i'd probably want them to come back when they weren't quite as 'magical' as well...

I've had to deal with my share of black magic but i'm still mystified.

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Hi, Did you know that, uh, in alot of native Indian cultures, menstruating woman were forced to leave the village, less thier *powerful* magic should overwhelm the Shaman?

I thought they had to leave because the smell of blood attracted bears and other scary creatures!!

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I thought they had to leave because the smell of blood attracted bears and other scary creatures!!

Yeh that's what I thought too. An interesting thing I heard I believe on CBC Radio's science show Quirks & Quarks is that one theory on the reason that women in groups will eventually have their cycles "sync up" is as a defensive mechanism, so that the community as a whole is essentially forced to defend all their females at one time of the month, which makes for a more effective use of resources.


Mr. M.

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umm.. just a quick clarification. I am not THE Dave Foley. I thought that by pasting the whole monolog including the "Hi, I'm Dave Foley" part would give that away, as I'm sure the real Dave Foley isn't reading Jambands.. not that Jambands isn't worthy of being read by Dave Foley, I just don't think he's a registered user. He might be 'lurking' though.

I also thought 'Beats' had a bad attitude towards menstration, and I wanted to post something in that vein.

As for bears... well... ya. They're pretty sick animals.. one of the few in nature that would eat a woman while she is menstrating.

I open the floor to crude humour at this point.

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i don't really think that what he is saying is anti-misogynistic, I guess it could be if you look at the capcity to evolve and change as a bad thing. He states that men create themselves in the teen years and then never really change, have any epiphanies or any personal growth. Which i think has very little to do with gender. Personal growth will always happen. It doesn't matter what's below the belt.

on a side note, i would also like to congratulate canned beats for his continued efforts to engage interesting, thought provoking discussions.

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