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Any good Thanksgiving stories?


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I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Mine involved a long drive home; however, it was soooo worth it to see old friends and my family. Not-to-mention all the wonderful food. (Thankful for my friends and family)

Spent some time in Grand Bend, Chesley, and Tobermory!!

Battled the weekend traffic (URGH!!!), but the beautiful trees in their multi-colours kept me smiling! (Thankful for the wonderful world of nature)

As most of you have noticed, I don't have much to do at work....so I'm looking for some stories to keep me entertained!

Now it's time to gear up for The Slip this weekend!!! YAY!

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I gave thanks for many things. For hippies being such easy marks and the bountiful wook harvest. For baseline comprehension of the English language. And yes for friends and family and the actual ‘harvest’ harvest. Did a bit of hunting with some friends and bagged a magnificent wook being towed by his dog on skateboard- I think both of their heads are going to look wonderful mounted on my wall next to the picture of the String Cheese Incident with their eyes exactoed out. Had Sunday dinner with the family at the golf club and Monday with the cast of Felicity. The only real disappointment was when the Reddi Whip ‘lost pressure’ thereby incapacitating it as a dessert topping.

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sounds like a good'un, sunshine.

i had a great weekend, but i couldn't make it to either of the 2 dinners i was hoping to go to :( (mighty whitey wasn't feeling so mighty dontchaknow.)

i actually really dug the time to myself and began working on a new song - hippy thanksgiving. it's funny har har. ::

my 'real' thanksgiving starts tomorrow when i fly west to visit with the fam. lookin forward to it. already got directions to disc golf courses in cowtown ::

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Glad you had a good thanksgiving Zero! My hunting buddies up home said it's been a good year for wooks! Their pelts aren't worth much though. You probably have the right idea by just using them for a wall mount!

No matter how much Reddi Whip you use...it's all good!!!

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I went to Laurie's family house for Thanksgiving dinner. I had a massive allergic reaction to the dog and the bunny. I cried hot burning tears through the whole meal. Laurie just shrugged and said "shoulda bought Claritin". I overate. Drank two glasses of white wine. Felt like my stomach was expanding into my brain. Eatig delicious turkey to me is like descending into a coma. Fell asleep on the couch in front of everyone, drooling while everyone else watched a MuchMusic program involving two idiots competing to go to LA based on the knowledge of Outkast. Jammed some pumpkin pie into my gaw to be polite, although it was delicious. Thank you, Costco. Sneezed a lot. Finally, Laurie asked me if I wanted to go and I said yes. I said goodbye to everyone and then waited impatiently for the better part of an hour while Laurie commiserated with her sister. Went home laid on the floor, moaning and farting, useless.

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indirect thanksgiving story (as vegans don't usually fair well at thanksgiving dinners)

late Sunday afternoon my mom was walking the dog and ran into a lady near the church who came up to her and asked if my mom knew if the priest was in... they both went up and couldn't find anyone (bit wierd on a sunday I thought)... anyways, the lady told my mom she's been holding off from asking but had no food... mom came home grabbed the van, went back out and found the lady then drove her to the drugstore to buy her tylenol for her migraines then to the grocery store where she dropped her off with $20 (which, as my mom isn't rich right now was a noble act)

made the lady in question thankful to be sure, and re-asserted the thankfulness I have for my mom

direct thanksgiving story would be celebrating with everyone in St. Kitts Sunday night... loads of laughs and a full night of fun... the crowd at most shows are as much family as the one I grew up with

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My wife and I rented a cabin up north on Bella lake which is just outside of huntsville near algonqiun. The weather wasn't particulary favaourable, but we did manage to have a nice hike, play 9 holes of disc golf at the Algonquin course, play some games by the roaring fire, and I BBQ'd some turkey (that's gotta make Homer proud!). All in all a great weekend. Now back to the humdrum...


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Wow MarcO. Its amazing how closely related our experiences were. Instead of watching MM, shortly after dinner, the kids decided to assemble a full-on assault on Uncle Andre (those ruffians cant seem to get to calling me Uncle Booche). Douglas finally came to my rescue, but it was too late. The energy required to hold them off was too much, and I ended up going to bed shortly after arriving at Myrnas.

Imagine, crashing on a Saturday night at 9:30 pm

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I know what else was exciting....I actually sat down at the Piano and played this weekend.

It's been a while since I've tried to bang something out.....it took a few minutes of me repeating over and over All Cows Eat Grass, Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge...etc, etc....but the ol' notes came a flooding back.

(And with the help of Scottie playing the Bass with me to Cannon D)

But it made me want to play all over again!

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I had some childhood friends over, and we ate quite well:


(Heh-heh, I never get tired of that image!)

Seriously, my wife and I had a nice meal with all our parents. It's a way better and easier deal for us to do that than what we used to do, which was run around to both houses and have TWO Thanksgiving dinners. Sounds like fun, but two turkey dinners in one night makes for an uncomfortable situation later, believe me.


- Mr. M.

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23 hour solo round trip and it was worth every kilometre. I got to watch Fahrenheit 911 with my folks, which was a lot of fun, and hang with my nephews. It's funny, I don't think they don't understand in the least where I am when I'm not visiting them. I think they think I hibernate for the entire year save xmas and thanxgiving.

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