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Slip Hamilton


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Still missing a couple of tunes. Called in all my markers for these ones.


Tonight We Leave Chicago

Fear of Falling

Predicting The Rain

Poor Boy *

Driving Backwards With You

So Dope (?)


Lonely Boy

Moonlight Mile

Children of December

Spice Groove


*Weight of Solomon tease

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the show they played in Hamilton last night displayed every reason i am so fu©king in love with that band. holy sh!t.

setlist additions: Wolof was second song in the 1st set, and Get Me With Fuji came after Moonlight Mile in the 2nd set... dont know the name of the final song of the night, but it damn near brought the house to tears... a quiet song with marc and andrew sitting on the floor, andrew playing a mini organ, brad playing acoustic and singing sweetly.. man...

seriously, this was as solid a slip show as you're going to hear anytime, anywhere... the boys really treated hamilton to something special.

edit: pretty sure brad teased soft machine before he busted into the chords for december's kids.

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NOTE: For Montreal goers please keep an eye out for a black daytimer with a "Kung (From The Hills)" sticker on the front. I managed to leave it at the venue last night and am presuming someone had the sense to bring it on to Montreal. I can't believe this has happened frankly as I had hundreds of contacts and details in it that I desperately need for the next couple of days.

Guigs, did that sound like So Dope to you closing out the first? Only thing I'm uncertain of. Well not the only thing. I am also wondering, to quote Bob Wiseman, 'who am who am who am I?'

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Tonight We Leave Chicago


Fear of Falling

Predicting The Rain

Poor Boy *

Driving Backwards With You

So Dope (?)


Lonely Boy

Moonlight Mile

Get Me With Fuji

Children of December #

Spice Groove


* Weight of Solomon tease

# Sweet Child of Mine vocal tease

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How cool is it, to get home from Hamilton, nap, and wake up to find the f-in torrent ready to go? Gouda, amazing.

Last night too, was amazing. If you didn't dig the show, I hope you dug the scene. One big reunion for a guy like me who hasn't seen ya'll in awhile. Set II is off the hook, a perfect start'em quiet, launch for the moon, and land us all on a pillow of kindness. Very heartfelt effort by the boys.

have fun, Montreal!

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I want to thank The Slip for showing me my ass last night. I was riveted.

Honestly, I feel humbled and fulfilled by their art. This glow will take a long time to subside.

It was amazing to see so many nice, sincere and positive people, it's been too long. I hope everyone traveled safely. As I write this, liftoff is just hours away from being acheived in Montreal. Wish I was there - this is a special band.

Thank you especially Shane and Ken for working so hard to bring us such a gift.

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Too bad there wasn't a taping rig for the little acoustic treat we got at the picnic table at the hotel.Probally the very last thing I remember before passing out was sitting at the table and thinking "sh!t! Brad's playing his acoustic right at the table,how fu©kin cool is that!?!"

What a great night.

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Thanks Marc-O. It was a great night for sure.

I too would like to thank Shane for bringing the Slip to Hamilton. Sorry you couldn't make it, Flowers.

I'd also like to thank everyone who came and brought their good vibes with them to Hamilton. I know the band was feeling it, I hope everyone else was.

I must say with the amount of hype leading into this show on this board, the stress levels were up a couple notches higher then normal. It's a great feeling when eveything works out in the end.

Thanks y'all.

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