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Slip Hamilton


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i'd only heard the slip a handful of times before going to this show. i thought they were nice sounding but boring -- definitely didn't see what all the hype was about. now i know you can't really base a true opinion on a band without seeing them live, so i was really looking forward to friday's show so i could finally vocalize my opinion -- with everyone here going absolutely buck wild about them, ALL the time, my brattier side just relished the thought of riling all you hardcores up with a big ol' MEH. :: i mean seriously, the way some of y'all react to criticism about the slip, you'd think it was your first born being dissed. haha

so on comes one slip thread after another...and another...and another...and another... and another... to the point where i'd open the board & it was all i could do not to throw up my hands and scream with "ENOUGH!!!! ENOUGH ABOUT THE FREAKIN' SLIP ALRIGHT?!?!?!?!?!!! GAD!!!"

(by the way, i really do mean annoying in an affectionate sort of way. :D i love seeing people get excited about things, and the massive overkill on this slip business is really more entertaining than anything. heehee.)

anyway, by the time friday came along, with all the SLIP THIS, SLIP THAT, YAY SLIP, BLAH BLAH BLAH, i was all but fiercely determined not to like them. enter show time. much to my chagrin, i caught myself dancing -- and meaning it -- in no time at all (even muttering to a bystander "who says you can't dance to the slip?!", as 'don't expect to be dancing' was something i'd heard previously.). well, it was all downhill from there.

i tried. i tried not to like them, i really, really did. but before long they snuck right in & kicked my motherfuckin' ass -- it wasn't even a whole show before i had to give up the dream -- i even remember uttering "okay, i'm sorry, but the slip fu©king rules... i tried, but DAMN!!" right out loud.

so yes.... baaaa baaaaa baaaaa, sign me up for the next show! ::

and what a crazy turnout!!! PJC was shoulder to shoulder and sooooooooooo many great & awesome people made it out. it was crazy, i remember one entire trip from the bathroom to outside was nothing more than a non-stop procession of "hey! how's it going?", "wow! nice to see you!", to every other person along the way. always awesome to see the usual suspects, nothing but a sweet treat to see a fine pack of out of towners you don't run into too often, and how fun, i even got to meet some new people too. so thanks sincerely to PJC, the slip, and all you awesome folks in attendance for an amazing night! :D

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I haven't heard any of the tapes yet but I definitely thought repertoire wise, through my advocacy, the first two nights (TO, Hamilton) were much stronger on paper. Oddly enough Montreal's setlist was almost a complete recap of Hamilton with the rare old songs like So Dope and Spice Groove (fear is the mind killer) replaced by brand new ballads. I do get the sense the performance itself was epic or the drugs were really good though from what everyone is saying.

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well, i was fortunate enough to catch all three of The Slip run and have to say Hamilton was my favourite night!

it was great to see so many skanks out, both old friends and new faces.

i was a little surprised when the boys went into Poor Boy after they had played it in Toronto, but no real complaints about that.

The second set was off the hook

i was getting real mushy by this point (after popping the 4th gram of fungus in my mouth)

and then the music got totally sick folks

i was groovin' down with Paisley on one side of me and my good friend Talli on the other

i looked around the room with the hugest grin on my face to see the elation in everyone in that room, looking for some recognition from someone/anyone that what we were hearing was the sh!t

i think lion locks must have seen it in my face `cause the next thing i knew he was giving me the same smiling grin back

that show for me was epic

i did a complete 180 on PJC....i love that bar now ::

secondtube...awesome to see you again brother

KevO...glad you were there bud and i finally got to meet Allison

PalacePrincess and backbacon...enjoyed chillin with ya's on the patio for a post show fatty

Alexis...you missed out girl, but i had lots of fun with you and Sari on the way to Montreal

nice to meet number 2

the wings rocked ::

and the Creemore wasn't too shabby either

thank you everyone for the good times

lionlocks...sorry we had to check out and leave you passed out on the hotel floor in Montreal

see y'all next show

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Wow... don't even know what to say...

I also was at all three shows, but i can't decide which was my favourite. I probably spent the most time dancing in montreal - i think that show was the most intense, but that could be due to more intense substances.

thanks so much countrycowboy for driving - i hope alexis and i didn't bug you and esau too much with our giggling in the car.

stapes and jon from BC - hope you made it out of the hotel ok.

oh and i got an angry email from my landlord about the noise here on thursday - it was worth it though :). looks like we'll be having much quieter parties from now on.

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oh and bradm, sorry if backbacon & i scared you away with the saved by the bell high five. :: heeheehee

This is why it's good to party with friends, as they'll tell you about all the stuff that happened that you do not remember...

And I think I'll add "Inappropriate Survey" to my list of names of bands I want to form.



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well, I was especially impressed by the band, I was on a phenomenal trip... It was a pleasure to see so many friendly faces--CC, it was a nice to meet you, and Howler, my pleasure to help out... I love going to shows where I know I am going to run into all the "usual suspects." It was too bad, we all ended up in different directions at the end of the night... but, k-cera-cera... I ended up at an amazing studio apartment listening to Scottie King on the piano, fu©king wicked way to end off the night--which I did, as I basically passed out on the floor... anyhow, can't wait til Halloween!!

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well i gotta send thanks to Moose first of all for the kind use of her vehicle Whitey.. secondly a big thanks to my bro Country Cowboy... sorry i couldnt end it off with ya but it was fun as hell while it lasted... great seeing everyone in Toronto and Hamilton... and a huge thank you to the Slip once again for knocking me on my ass yet again...

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