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Shainhouse: Leeds Update #1


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Well, I'm rarely online up here in crazy, windy Leeds, so I thought I'd post a few little updates to fill you guys in on the extremely different but fantastic live music scene I have been experiencing here. I haven't been booking at all, but I'm writing tons and loads of great shows have happened and are upcoming.

Firstly, our 'Pepper Jack's' is a club called Hifi, which has killer music every Thursday and Sunday. Saw Afrodizz here on Sept 30 with Femm Nameless, and some killer UK bands as well. Saw Yusuf Ahmed and My 5.0 two weeks (www.yussef.com). Really wicked soul/old style funk with some spoken word thrown in for good measure. Dele Sosimi played here last night. He was the keys player for Fela's Egypt 80 band and all I can say is WOW. 9pc. traditional afrobeat band, consisting of 4 horns, guitar, keys, bass, congas, drums and vox. So tight, so funky and absolutely incredible. Blew my mind. I don't know if this guy tours North America, but Ken & briguy, bring him to PJC. Simply unreal. Very Antibalas style, but not as political. More based on orchestration and horn solos.

Saw MMW last Saturday in London. Just got lucky with timing and got blown away by the funk. You guys are in for treat on Dec 3rd in Toronto, that's all I can say. Saw a local band called 'The Cherubs' the night before MMW at the Camden Town Barfly in London. Very stylish, indie rock with a little screamo thrown in. I think Kung would like it.

On top of that, tons of local bands have been seen. Hifi does free jazz/funk every sunday, with really good bands consistently. Seen bands called 'World's Strongest Man' and 'Protect The Beat'. Similar realm, but super talented and full of jazz/funk style.

Seeing Minus The Bear on Sunday, followed by Reggie Watts (from Maktub), the Black Keys and Polyphonic Spree the following week. The Spree is on Halloween in Sheffield (20 miles south) and I am so fu©king excited.

Everything else is well. it's cold, windy, rainy and damp. all the time. but still, things couldn't be better.

keep well. love ya'll.


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Hey Shain,

I'm glad to read that you're enjoying yourself out there the good ol' UK. The hammer isn't the same without you.

You forgot to mention that you also saw Bruce Hornsby there too.

Also the Medeski, Martin & Wood show in Toronto is on Saturday December 4, not December 3. I would hate to think that somebody could possibly go to the Kool Haus on the Friday night because of the wrong date posted here. I don't blame you, you shouldn't be expected to keep up with what's going on in Southern Ontario right now.

Love ya buddy, Tim

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Hey Shain, glad to see you are doing well and taking in some of the great UK music. I hope you get to check out that 'Come Down And Meet The Folks' gig on a Sunday in London (and/or the jazz jam at the Jazz Cafe).

One last thing I'd recommend checking out and this gang likely comes to Leeds -- is Wah Wah 45s. Its a funk label and theres 3 or so dj's who are associated with it. I think they have a weekly thing at Jazz Cafe but they play all over too.


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Good to see you are doing well... have you caught a footie match??? fu©king intense stuff over there... also, one of my roomies is heading to Glasgow/Edinburgh his name is Scott-- dirty_mcgee@hotmail.com... if you ever head up there, and I will inform him of vice-versa circumstances---he could use some musical direction--the guy loves listening to ADVIL LAVIGNE??!! ::

all the best Shain

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