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DMB Pay for Bus Dumping


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from www.rollingstone.com on October 25, 2004

DMB Pay for Bus Dumping

Band fronts Chicago money while investigation continues

Dave Matthews Band is donating $50,000 each to the Friends of the Chicago River and the Chicago Park District as investigations continue into allegations that the group's tour bus dumped human waste into the river and onto a passing tour boat.

"We have been working with Chicago authorities to resolve our questions about the bus incident," reads a statement from the band. "Those authorities have graciously cooperated. Unfortunately we still do not have a definitive understanding of what happened and are continuing to investigate the matter. However, we are not comfortable with the time it is taking us, and we have decided to take action now even though it may turn out the incident was not caused by one of our buses. We simply want to begin the healing process."

The city filed suit against the band and its driver in August, charging them with violating water pollution and public nuisance laws, and seeking $70,000 in damages.

"This incident may be unique," Attorney General Lisa Madigan said at the time, "but that does not lessen the environmental or public health risks posed by the release of at least 800 pounds of liquid human waste into a busy waterway and onto a crowded tour boat."

Dave Matthews Band maintains that the driver, who has since been suspended by the group, was the only person on the bus during the time in question, and he maintains that he did not dump the waste. "This incident has been especially troubling for the Dave Matthews Band family and we appreciate your patience as we work through it," the statement continues. "What happened to the people on the boat is awful and it goes against so many principles we hold dear: environmentalism, accountability, and, mostly, principles of humanity. We will continue to fight for these principles, and seek to live up to the values they represent."


(Posted Oct 25, 2004)

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I've waited a long time for someone to say that, Zimmy, and I agree. I only saw DMB once, at Barrymores in Ottawa about a million years ago. I could not believe that jamband fans liked him, as he was as boring live as he was in the studio. I have long presumed that he must have improved since then, as cool people still go to his shows, but you'll never catch me at another one...

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i really like crash, under the table and dreaming, the tim reynolds disc, and live at redrocks.. and saw a couple of good shows. But then they brought on the bore/stink around 2000, and i stopped caring. Cant think of a worse show than DMB at corel centre in 2001. I didnt mind some of the solo stuff i've heard, but i couldn't be bothered to try again. hes good, of course.

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that's cool - DMB are not for everyone.

it's just that this unfortunate incident - and that's what it is - opens the floodgates for people to rail on DMB, and I just don't think they deserve it.

I think they've worked hard to earn their success and they have my respect.

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TimmyB: You know the answer to that one. I would certainly give him another chance in that scenario, as I would already be there. I even sat through the Barenaked Ladies under similar circumstances (as you are aware).

I don't despise him, or anything, I just find him boring; but I really don't want to insult any one else's tastes, and I realize I'm in the minority on this. Again, I think I'm just missing the appeal. You guys know your tunes, without question, so I don't doubt that there is something to his music; but I'm not getting it.

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this unfortunate incident - and that's what it is - opens the floodgates

I'll say. Imagine checking out the beautiful sunset on the deck only to have the flood gates open up and deliver a mouth full of feces. Don't drink the water! yipes!

seriously though, I share the same feelings as GM on this one. Absolutely loved the band for quite a while and then just lost it.

I'm just kidding around and really mean no disrespect to Mr. Mathews as he is obviously a very talented musician and songwriter.

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I've seen two Dave Matthews & Friends shows with Trey Anastasio this past year and I have to say they were absolutely amazing shows! The Dave Matthews solo album is excellent and their choice of covers was great with songs by The Band, The Beatles, Peter Gabriel, etc.

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