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Best Ween CD?


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Okay folks, let's get into it. Which Ween Studio Album is the BEST?

You get one vote. Pick your favourite Ween Studio album from the following choices, and we'll see which is the 'best':

Godweensatan - The 'Oneness'

The Pod

Pure Guava

12 Country Classics

Chocolate and Cheese

The Mollusk

White Pepper


(I know a lot of you are probably less thrilled that Paint the Town Brown doesn't appear... but... it's live... and Live Ween would beat Studio Ween hands down. ::

I'll toss my vote in for: Chocolate and Cheese. It's a tough choice because, at least for me, my favourite changes at the drop of a hat. Still, overall, C&C epitomizes for me when Ween really buckled down and started playing better to accomodate their already solid lyrics.

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that's a very tricky question because each album is entirely different from the next. so it's hard to come up with a definitive meaning of "best". also, there's a good, what, 15-20 years between GWS and quebec? so that's a pretty big range of experience alone for the boys.

so, i would say that "best", meaning sheer musicianship & complexity of the songs would be quebec. the argus alone is unarguably a masterpiece. hell, even schwa likes the argus and he takes great pleasure in pretending to think that ween sucks. ::

"best" as in most (amazingly) diverse collection of songs, and the best album to listen to straight through without skipping any songs would be chocolate & cheese. this album also gets my vote as best cover art.

"best" album in the sense of the beauty of the songs (and best as in my personal favourite) would be the mollusk.

"best" album to sing along to is white pepper.

"best" album to take a gamble -- a gamble even for ween -- and WIN, is 12 golden country greats.

each album is amazing in its own way. pure guava has songs that are undeniably good enough to warrant the whole album a best rating somewhere. as does the pod. as does GWS. yeah, ween just plain and simple motherfuckin' rules.

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I could make it simple, and say that I think they have only gotten better each year, and Quebec is their best album. That is sort of my answer.

I almost think, however, that "new evil vibe" by Instant Death (Ween's bassist) is up there with anything they have done. The best way I can describe it is 'death jazz'. Awesome.

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Well I only have 3 cds...the order in which I rate them is...

1) Quebec..can't get enough of this one

2) Chocolate and cheese...this was my first ween cd...after i got over the titties on the cover and finnaly listened I was converted into a ween freakette.

3) Pure Guava...love that daisy song

Man I loved that Burlington Ween, Halloween show....one of my fave shows ever.

oh yah I forgot about the mullusk...I had this for a few weeks before Mr.Socks(friends dog) ate it.

I was loving it too and may have to revise my list...



Chocolate and cheese

Pure Guava

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Although, the Mollusk and Chocolate and Cheese both have a special place in my heart, and I agree that White Pepper is the best to sing along to, I think I have to go with Quebec. I will confess to not knowing the older stuff as well, but I have heard them, and just don't think that they are as consistently good as the newer material. Bottom line: I love Ween.

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hahahahahaha, i heart your avatar lurker... i think we should all stare at it long enough to memorize the ashlee simpson so that sometime (or many times if making it out for more than one night is in the works!) over the weekend someone can break into it and we can ALL follow suit, à la saturday night fever. heehee!

oh and to stay on topic, i'll give a big ol'smooch out to my homeboyz:



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hahahahahaha, i heart your avatar lurker... i think we should all stare at it long enough to memorize the ashlee simpson so that sometime (or many times if making it out for more than one night is in the works!) over the weekend someone can break into it and we can ALL follow suit, à la saturday night fever. heehee!

I'm already on it PP! I've been practicing in my basement ever since I saw it this morning. I think I got the leg swaying part down - it's kinda like what the new kids use to do, only with more of a bounce and less rhythm. I'm now working on that hoedown move she does after.

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Well, after a day of this fierce battle, we have the following Results:

Chocolate and Cheese: 7 (8 if Marco's C&C Music Factory vote was gor this one. I'm very easily confused)

and Quebec and the Mollusk are both tied at 3.

Will others cast votes? Will Chocolate and Cheese have its iron grip broken? Don't I have better things to do???

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