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snl lip-synching mishap


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First she blamed her band (what a bitch) And now she's got some lame excuss saying she has Acid Reflux Disease. I have Acid Relux and I find that fu©king insulting. Stop making excusses for the fact you are nothing, you're a pre-packaged pop star with no talent who is riding the coat tails of your equally no talented pre-packaged sister. The PT kids have been running wild on her message board, all in all its been good for a laugh, especially the kid who got her cell number off her board and started selling it on ebay for 3-5 bucks a peice.

Remember the good old days of SNL - The Dead, Zappa, Taj Mahal, The Blues Brothers, John Prine, The Band, Santana, Tom Waits, etc....Now SNL is just part of the circuit, if you're promoting a movie you get to host (you don't even have to be funny or good) and if you're pimping a new album you apparently don't even have to be a musician anymore.

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yeah Freeker...

"Ahslee says she got sick Saturday night with acid reflux, so at the last minute decided to lip-synch. "

Since when does heart burn affect a singing voice? I've got this stuff, and you only need to take some medicine.

And so now a doctor told her she'd ruin her vocal chords if she sang with a case of heart burn? COME ON!

"But my voice wasn't strong enough to hold up the song along, ya know, because I was like...uh, you know....(pause)...my dad was really the one who was like 'Honey, you have to...' he put Dr. Sugarman, my vocal doctor, on the phone with me who said 'You're gonna have to...you're going to ruin your vocal cords if you sing on 'em like this."

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oh this is priceless.

Ashlee was interviewed by Lucky magazine in the summer. here's a quote!

From Lucky Magazine interview:

LM: What are your takes on lip-synching?

AS: I'm totally against it and offended by it. I'm going out to let my real talent show, not to just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip-synch. It's just not me.

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okay, this is seriously one of the funniest things that's happened on snl, but why does everyone seem so surprised that she would be lip synching? i was under the impression that a huge number of pre-packaged artists like ashlee and her sister lip synched all the time on live tv? am i wrong?

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I'm not suprised about the lip synching, I don't think anyone really is. It's just nice to see them screw it all up on live TV and then reading all of the bull-crap excuses and finger pointing.

"I'M really sorry, but my band played the wrong song"

EGAD! I mean, there was no PLAYING the wrong song by the band...but by the guy working the tape deck.

The only thing I'm suprised about is that there's someone called Ashlee Simpson out there that performed on SNL. I still have no idea where that came from.

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