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What is "concede"?


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I'm at a loss here. Was Kerry advised to concede based on the ongoing vount in Ohio being likely to go Bush? Is he conceding because of the popular vote not in his favour? if we're told it may take 11 days to tabulate all the state results, why is he calling to concede this early?

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It roughly goes like this:

Even if the impossible happened and all the provisional votes were considered valid, Kerry would need something like 80% of those ballots to go in his favour to overcome Bush's current lead. Further, a lot of those ballots come from Republican stronghold counties. It wasn't nearly as close as the Florida situation last election.

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Even if what you're saying is true, why was there such a rush to concede on Kerry's part when the electors in Ohio figured on 10+ days to completely tabulate the provisional and regular votes?

I'm reading that Edwards was trying to have kerry be patient and wait for the final call. I'm wondering why he didn't heed the advice in such a close race

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how could anybody be that godamned ignorant and vote bush! church and state are supposed to be separate! if you're church doesn't allow gay marriage then don't marry someone of your gender, if your church thinks abortion is a sin then don't have an abortion. don't push your fu©king ignorant morality on the entire population! i see bad things coming. people will be leaving the states because of religious persecution. bush can shove his jesus loving ways right up his ass to keep his head company!

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it will be interesting to get immigration stats over the next couple of years..

but you know what.. I doubt many people will leave the US.. I could be wrong.. but I highly doubt it. Yeah.. everyone is all worked up right now, but in a month it'll be business as usual.

I've got 2 predictions for the next 4 years

1) the US will constantly be at war for the next 4 years, with either Iraq, Iran or North Korea (who knows.. maybe some other "axis of evil" will pop up as well.. like Cuba.. ohhhh.. watch out.. here come the Cubans!!)

2) we will see the destruction of the middle class in the US. In 4 years I think the US population will be like the population of England in the 70s.. you are either rich or working class.. then we'll have some fun won't we.

here's hoping he gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar and we can get a nice impeachment.

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I agree with your viewpoints, bokonon, however this morning we are face with a stark reality: George W Bush won fair and square (within an imperfect system) and all signs at this point suggest that it was precisely those moral issues that took him over the top.

I'm not in total despair because I know these things go in cycles; you can't have uninterrupted progressive and liberal reform, the pendulum will always swing back.

So we're (the world as a result of the US administration) seeing the right side swing in the early part of the 21st century. Thankfully, we're all young and smart enough to know these dark days will end and we can take particular pride in being Canadian (under a LIBERAL gov't), where we don't get so hung up on private affairs of morality and moral judgments.

I dunno - I'm kinda surprised by my own reaction but I'm not inclined to rail against the "stupid" Americans today, or question their judgment. All that is just a waste of precious political thought and energy. Better to look towards 2008 - what else can you do, and at the same time keep our own wolves at bay here at home (hello, Mr Harper).

Paul Martin better develop balls of steel to deal with this re-elected Bush administration, though.

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