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Animal Lovers With Allergies


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I went all yesterday without antihistamines, as a result of comments by some of you including RayRay. I was in pretty good shape until around midnight when I broke down and took one. I plan not to take anything for as long as I can go, again.

I'm determined to keep this puppy!

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So, since the above thread came and went, I have been to an herbalist in Vancouver to see if they could offer something better than antihistamines. They did. They gave me an awesome licorice-root (blech!) based solution to help me breathe, and capsules that block histamines but don't affect your immunity system. As long as I take this stuff I feel almost perfect.

So... as a result...


I know that this comes as no surprise whatsoever to anyone who knows me, but it was really touch-and-go for a while there when I couldn't breathe. The fact is, though, now that I know her there is no way I could let her be adopted by anyone else.

Woo hoo!

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Thanks Douglas. I'm really happy about it. The fact is, whether I can breathe or not, I couldn't live with letting someone else have her, after taking care of her for the last 6 weeks.

Hey, does your work really take you "from coast to coast?" If so, you should come meet my new puppy! Whistler awaits!

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hey kevO, your girlfriend may not be nuts. different cats give me different allergies. my mom's makes my asthma go off, my sister's makes me sneeze and my eyes turn red and get itchy whereas my friend don's cat just makes me sneeze and feel naseus after a while.

The allergy is to the dander. Short-haired cats and long-haired cats have different kinds of dander. It's certainly possible to react to one more than the other.

I've lived with long-haired cats, but the short-haired varieties set off my allergies something fierce, especially during ragweed season.

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