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So I just got a ticket...


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And it's bullshit.

Drivin from Kitchener to London just on the L side of Stratford, I decide to pass a guy doing about 70 in an 80. I hammer the pedal siganl and pass.

As I'm coasting back down to speed and rounding a corner... wiiiiiooooooo... OPP...


luckily there was no bowling afoot, but the bitch gave me a ticket for 100 in an 80... and I was only doing 100!!!!

I have never heard of anybody getting fu©ked over for twenty KM while passing ?!?!?!!?!?!?

Bullshit!!!!!!! Sooooooooooooo angry...

question is do I fight it entirely or plead guilty with an explanation? :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

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guilty with an explanation. all the way. after having a few tickets lately and getting the fines reduced and the points removed, i can say it's worth it. i think secondtube has some experience with this too.

You were driving that fast, but with a reason. luck just wasn't on your side.

or call 1800 tickets or x coppers or some other similar service and see what they say. opinions are free.

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ya, i'm under the impression that just showing up gives you a really good chance of at least a reduction.

My father always goes to court even when he's 100% guilty and they are more often than not thrown out. (not that he gets tickets that often though)

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It may be a bit different with parking tickets, but I wrote down the results (I like gambling) when I went on Wednesday:

There were 31 people, of which

24 pled guilty with explanation, of which

20 got a reduction in fines

The other 4 got a 2 or 3 month extension on paying their fine.

7 people pled not guilty

3 got a reduction in fines

3 got their ticket thrown out (Officers didn't show)

1 got nothing (he parked across a crosswalk...boob)

Those are pretty good odds eh?

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It's just the first time I've seen anybody get pulled over and not have the cop drop the maximum right there on the spot. I'm of the opinion that there should be limiters in cars so that they can't break the speed limit on the highways.. No need for highway cops then and we all save ourselves the idea of literal highway robbery. :)

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dont mind jared.

if he was caught smoking a doob, and they found a dime on him, you can damn well believe he would expect to be let off as well....

Hypocrisy at its finest.

not at all man, i'd take it like a man, the same way i would if i got a tickt for speeding if i was speeing

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So you've got "free the tree" as your signature, and you can't figure out why someone is contesting a speeding ticket that if convicted is not only expensive, but gives you an insurance "record" for years from now? I don't encourage speeding but using every legal process available sounds like a good idea whether you're decriminalizing pot or fighting a speeding ticket.

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not really., i fell if you comit a crime and you are guilty of that crime then you deserve what ever happens. the same way if i got busted for selling weed. i wouldn't expect any of you to feel bad for me, if i was actually selling weed.

if you were just driving down the street and you were speeding then why don't you deserve a ticket?

if you were so concerned about you insurance rates or your driving record, then you would have been more careful not to speed when you were over taking another car!

and what does my signature have any thing to do with someone breaking a law?

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