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Old Schoolhouse Rock Volume #1



Finally I have a moment to reflect on the happenings of this past Saturday at the Old Schoolhouse!

Jeez, where do I start?! What an incredible night it was!

First of all, HUGE thanks to the PalacePrincess for all of her assistance and support in putting this together. You surely allowed me to maintain my sanity, especially on the afternoon of the show! Super job on the signage too! You are truly a delight, baby!

The Bands - Diesel Dog and Harvard Mouse!! Thanks a ton for heading off the beaten path and bringing the psychadelic circus of sights and sounds to l'il ole Chatham! I, for one, so much appreciated having the party brought to me for a change. From the feedback I've received from the folks down here, the show this past Saturday had the same impact on a lot of people. Really a special night of entertainment for us Chatham bumpkins!

Harvard Mouse - Mark, George, Dave, Tim, Dave and Diesel Dog – Ryan, Ike, Ricky, Summer and Doug (as well as all of your travelling companions…) great to have you all down for the evening. It was great to meet some new friends! George and Dave - a special thanks for arriving early and helping with the decking of the hall while I raced around tending to some last minute issues. An extra thanks for taking care of the stage lights, George! They really added an essential ambiance to the room.

To both bands! The music was great all night long! All six hours or so of it! Harvard Mouse getting the crowd in the mood with a fifteen minute funky jam in g… and then proceeding to transform the crowd into a liquified matter with a two hour set of superb cover selections and Mark Tonin originals, including a special treat of Ryan of Diesel Dog sitting in with the Mouse. Diesel Dog, from the opening notes of Will it Go Round In Cirlces, the tone of the night was set and was sustained well into the night. Past five am if I’m not mistaken. I’m enjoying the recordings right now! They sound great. Animator! Review to come… but yeah, big thanks to both bands for really putting on a fantastic, extended show! I didn’t think about the time all night! The morning really snuck up on us! People are already asking about an encore performance!! I can’t wait!

Thanks to EVERYONE that made it out to the show! Especially the travellers! ESPECIALLY the cross-borders travellers! That’s dedication – James & Karin, Julia, and Allison from Michigan and Steve from Cleveland from Cleveland, you guys are just the best! What a great surprise to see you when you arrived, Steve from Cleveland! Oh, and Schwa, what a huge ‘surprise’ to see you too! Hehe. It takes out-of-towners to make something like this work and this has been the best turn-out yet…Becky, Marcia, Sarah, bokonon (I never did get a chance to sample your scrumptious-looking chili!) Thorgnor, Lesley, QQC, Sairy, Brian & Brad & Kelly (the awesome bar helpers), Deb, Illiana, Tigger!, CosmicChris, Paan, Paisley, Korey (zombie partner), Tim & Vil, ChickenButter420, MEGGO!, Michelina, Dancin’ Man, KC from OH… oh sh!t, I know I’m forgetting probably a dozen people or so… I shouldn’t have even attempted this. So yeah, thanks for the making the trip down. It was great having you all out.

Chatham dwellers too! Great to see you all! It was like a big old-school reunion up in that school hizzouse! (I’m starting to get a little drunk wriitng all of this…) StuDog! Thanks a ton for donating that awesome 16 x 20 framed aaj.thumb.jpgNeil Young Photo for the raffle! Zeddy, thanks for all of your help over the night and with the torturous afternoon cleaning up effort. Ugh. Awesome to get so many buddies together for a night of dancing and partying! My parents even made an early appearance. My brother too later. Fun times!

To all the folks that couldn’t make it for geographic or other reasons... you were all missed dearly. Definitely felt your presence. I can’t wait to see you all soon! You know who you are.

The music went on, smoothly into the wee hours. Before long it was bright out, the crowd had thinned considerably, the dance party dwindled and the zombies came out! I am not entirely sure what brought on this strange phenomenon… it may be the fact that I have recently decided that I am really into zombie and being a zombie, (even though I’ve only ever seen, maybe two zombie movies) but it sure took off that morning. Hours later, after random zombie attacks on mere mortal’s brains (and making them zombies in the process), and a few ‘zombie academy’ sessions in the basement (there is this huge door in the floor of the schoolhouse and a spooky dirty basement down some stairs… and this old school desk down there – Julia went through the full curriculum. Did you know there are three important steps to follow in becoming the ultimate zombie… well, I won’t go into it here… you’ll have to ask me about that…) it was time to wrap it up. Not a moment too soon either, as we were all involuntarily becoming zombies to the day. Zombying was a perfect way to end the whole event! Thanks to all my special zombie buddies! Korey, my main zombie partner, Summer, James, Julia – zombie student extraordinaire!, Zeds, TeeSee, Paisley, Ryan for playing along… pretty much everyone there had been turned into a zombie by the end!! Sorry to leave any special zombies out.

Okay, I’m just rambling on about zombies now so I guess I’m all done… in closing, I cannot wait to do this again! Plans are in the works for a second Diesel Dog/ Harvard Mouse Old Schoolhouse Concert Series installment. A spring event with camping I hope!

Oh, I found a black glove. Anyone lose a black glove?



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awwwww, thanks bacon! and of course, it was my absolute pleasure! great review. :)

and yeah, huge props to stu for that neil young picture -- it was just gorgeous. all blown up huge, framed & matted beautifully... very popular in the raffle ticket sales! i know a couple of people were quite determined to win. including the guy that actually got it, so that worked out nicely.

ahahahahah, yes, i can confirm the zombie maddness has been going on for quite some time now...but how awesome that "zombying" turned out to be a popular smash hit with everyone else too! freakin' hilarious. ::

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beautiful work Keri my man... I keep bursting into laughter all week over things and the explanation I can comfort myself with is I've had my brains chewed on by zombies in Chatham

have to love when the first band starts an hour early and the second finishes 3 hours late

such good times, thanks so much my friend ::

(great pics!)

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Wow, somehow I almost missed reading this review ... thanks for the extremely kind words Keri!!! I'll be sure to point the rest of the mice to this page for some reading! :) ::

The Neil Young photo was a beauty ... I even bought some raffle tickets for it! We didn't plan it to complement the raffle, but it worked out well that we played two Neil songs that night ... Vampire Blues and Walk On. Plus Neil's birthday was the night before which added yet another tie-in.

The Tonin songs were Art Trip (out of the opening jam) and Love is Like Water.

We'd love to hear the recording at some point.

Thanks again double-k, the spring show repeat performance sounds like a great idea to me!

Peace, Mark

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Look what I found, Meggo!!!


I pulled up to the schoolhouse last night on my way to work, flashilight in hand. I didn't need the flashlight, as it turned out. The very first place my eyes went, a foot in front of my car, was the earring... gleaming in the headlights! :)

I'll mail it to you. Maybe it will get there in time for you to wear out on the town Friday!! ::

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so funny ::

I remember when it got picked up that night by Ian sharp-eye and we couldn't quite figure out what it was or its particular purpose in the universe (though Ian was dutifully pondering earnest possiblities)

beautuful story... consider that earring a sacred item from here on in meggo

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And seriously.... how come you only ever find ONE earring on the ground... nobody ever looses both, but obviously the one that fell is identical and was possessed of some flaw that caused a malfunction on a grand scale... ?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

That damn thing needs to be taught a lesson on how to hide. It was sparkling at me too the little slut-ring... :)

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