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Special K suggested for wounded US troops


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from wired.com

A whole new kind of K ration: If it's good enough for ravers, it's good enough for U.S. troops. That's the thinking, apparently, behind the Army's decision to test the animal tranquilizer ketamine as a way to soothe injured soldiers.

The drug -- known in clubs as Special K -- has been reducing partygoers to gurgling blobs for more than a decade. This year, the Army has been running final, phase III Food and Drug Administration trials on a quarter-dose nasal inhaler of ketamine to see if it can substitute for morphine.

"With morphine, the soldier's just gorfed, he can't do anything," said Col. Bob Vandre, of the Army's Medical Research and Materiel Command. "With this, he can drive his truck, or shoot his gun."

Vandre said he knew full well that ketamine "had been snorted by people at rave parties" and that "it makes you kind of weird, sort of like acid."

However, he promised, the military's dose of ketamine would not have the same effects.

wounded soldiers driving trucks, shooting guns loaded on Ketamine will certainly worry insurgents (and pretty much anyone else)

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The army's on ecstacy so they say,

I read all about it in USA today,

they stepped up urine testing to make it go away,

but its hard to kill the enemiy on ol' MDMA

I sent the king of contradiction,

to the queen of mystery.

the prince of paradox,

it dogs me like a flee.

so i set my troops upon him

and bring him to his knee's

when all is said and done i'll pick a fight with the chinese.

the queen she stared him long and hard

and then she softly said...

"I'm putting down with niceed oil to ease your throbbing head"

she slipped a note into an appricote and threw it to the whores

the jester read the word something wicked thisway roars.

"the prise they put on the heads, with folks with pointed views,

would be better spent on the children without shoes.

and then the king condoned the actions of the liar,

she forgot to weigh the awsome power of the village cryer"

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Funny how behind the Americans are with this stuff (unlike Canada whose used it for years),in 1997 after my spinal surgery I was given Ketamine to knock me out & ease the pain since the morphine & demerol(sp?) wasn't working one bit.I know my buddy Brendon was also given it after his couple stomach surgeries for Crohns.

Strangely enough the grade that is used medicinaly is nothing like what the ravers use or drop,obviously.

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K isn't a party drug for me...however, it's one that i quickly learned to control...the reason i don't do it very often is that i enjoy it too much and i don't needto be spending $30 a night on being antisocial...

but if you're looking to make your own movie, i'd say throw on Bob Belden's Black Dahlia, down a vial, and close your eyes. you won't need a camera.

(definitely not a social high...)

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I've don it enough to know that although I like it, it does severly impair you. One time, I was sitting on the couch next to a good friend of mine, and we had both done a WHOLE BUNCH of it. After about 20 minutes of trying, we were able to communicate to one another that, indeed, THIS must be what it feels like to be retarded. Haven't done it in a LONG time, but I remember it as not a terrible experience. Though I could see why one wouldn't want to do it after seeing other people under it's influence...

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i thought that once you were wounded you got to go home? now they just drug you up and send you back out? go army! let's replace the need for a draft with sending what we have back out to the battlefields till they drop. sounds like a grrrrreat idea! where do i sign up?

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Ketamine is an anaesthetic that is available only to physicians and is "scheduled" in several states. Since anaesthetizing levels of Ketamine "knock you out", the dose required to have an experience is 6 to 10 times smaller than what is given by veterinarians and physicians. "Ketamine is a prescription only medicine and so is not covered by the Misuse of Drugs Act. This means that possession of ketamine is not a criminal offence. However, under the Medicines Act, unauthorised supply is illegal."

So its not illegal to have on ya??? Wow....learn something new everyday.

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Ketamine is an anaesthetic that is available only to physicians and is "scheduled" in several states. Since anaesthetizing levels of Ketamine "knock you out", the dose required to have an experience is 6 to 10 times smaller than what is given by veterinarians and physicians. "Ketamine is a prescription only medicine and so is not covered by the Misuse of Drugs Act. This means that possession of ketamine is not a criminal offence. However, under the Medicines Act, unauthorised supply is illegal."

So its not illegal to have on ya??? Wow....learn something new everyday.

not illegal if you have a prescription for it. i'm a pharmacist, and i've never seen a prescription written for it in an outpatient setting. in the hospital, sure. it has its place in anesthesia, although not very often.

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