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I just don't "do" Christmas...so my question is...


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I don't do Christmas.

I don't shop, I don't give cards, I don't want any gifts.

I have many reasons, one of which is my disdain of the commercialization of the holiday--not that I have any disrespect for people who do celebrate (in whatever form they choose), but I choose not to participate.

Why is it that some people just can't respect this decision?

That's not my real question, that was rhetorical.

My real question is: I have a new boss this year (since January). My old boss was great and totally got where I was coming from (though he got around my "rules" by buying me gifts and giving them to me in January and calling them "Gifts of Appreciation".) So how do I broach this with my new boss?

Funniest answer wins a prize!!

FYI, I just don't think he'd believe me if I said I was Jewish...


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Wow, your bosses give you presents?

I hear ya though, I hate christmas. My wife has two sisters and a brother, and they all go crazy at christmas buying all kinds of stuff. I hate it, it all seems so greedy to me. I pleaded and pleaded to try and change it this year, so they we could each pick a name and only buy for one person. But they wouldn't have it... :(

As for your problem, just bring it up in conversation about how you hate x-mas and all the commmercialization, and that you wish people wouldn't get you anything. I'd think your boss would get the hint.

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I don't do Christmas.

I don't shop, I don't give cards, I don't want any gifts.

I have many reasons, one of which is my disdain of the commercialization of the holiday--not that I have any disrespect for people who do celebrate (in whatever form they choose), but I choose not to participate.

that is SO where i am coming from

Christmas is about consumerism, economics and the lust people have to acquire things

masquerading behind a fat man in a red suit


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If you don't do Christmas may I ask if you don't do other holidays as well?

I can't think of one that hasn't been commercialized....

Sorry, I just absolutely love Christmas and actually enjoy the commercialism behind it....what better time of the year to go to Christmas parties and get hamboned and xerox my fat white ass. I enjoyed smuggling Baileys in my coffee to work as well!!!!

Don't worry, I don't do that at my current occupation!

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If you don't do Christmas may I ask if you don't do other holidays as well?

I can't think of one that hasn't been commercialized....

Valid question...

The only "holidays" I celebrate are birthdays. And though Hallmark does what they can to get their share of the birthday business, a birthday can be celebrated in any fashion or manner one likes.

I strongly believe its important--and I embrace the opportunity--to say, "I'm so happy you were born!" to those near & dear to me. I can't think of a better cause to celebrate than the day someone you love was born...


Though, come to think of it, I do celebrate St. Patrick's Day...with its sole dedication to getting sh!t-faced and my Irish heritage, how can I not???!


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I just absolutely love Christmas and actually enjoy the commercialism behind it....

Rubberdinghy, this comment interests me as I don't think I have ever heard anyone say they enjoy the commercialism that has become Christmas. Perhaps if I knew what you enjoy about this commercialism I would enjoy it as well. What exactly is it about the commercialism of Christmas that you enjoy?

Edit: Although I'm Jewish, my girlfriend and her family are not, and I end up celebrating both holidays. I enjoy the celebrating and even the exchange of gifts, but I find that the barrage of commercials and constant reminders of "16 shopping days left..." are not enjoyable.

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Speaking of Hanukkah celebrations, as I approached the corner of Bathurst and Bloor the other night, I heard some seriously loud music being pumped out...I couldn't identify it, nor could I tell where it was coming from.

Once I got to the corner, I saw that it was coming from a giant RV, full of hassidic Jews (the hats & the curls? is that right?) rockin' out. Hannukah man, in the Hannukah van, spreadin' the joy.

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I love Santa, IMO he is real (probably he's the most commercialized holiday figure around)....it's as easy as that...I feel that Christmas brings the child out in me...I still ask for toys for christmas, love the movies, love waking up Christmas morning and opening prezzies...

I love watching children get caught up in the moment, I love the lights, I love buying and making (CD's) gifts for people, I love the friendliness in the air, I love the snow, I love tracking Santa at http://www.noradsanta.org/ , I love tacky christmas decorations, I love Christmas music....

So in a nutshell Christmas is what it is, a large commercial for all the large corporations, but the little guys prosper at this time of year as well. Christmas just makes me stupid happy and I have no idea what a non-commercial Christmas would be like. I love it just the way it is, friends and families getting together, having fun, and just being MERRY!!

Anyways, I think the big reason I love Christmas is due to Mr. Claus, and the miracles, and happiness, that he brings to so many children around the world...myself included!

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I love Santa, IMO he is real (probably he's the most commercialized holiday figure around)....it's as easy as that...I feel that Christmas brings the child out in me...I still ask for toys for christmas, love the movies, love waking up Christmas morning and opening prezzies...

I love watching children get caught up in the moment, I love the lights, I love buying and making (CD's) gifts for people, I love the friendliness in the air, I love the snow, I love tracking Santa at http://www.noradsanta.org/ , I love tacky christmas decorations, I love Christmas music....

So in a nutshell Christmas is what it is, a large commercial for all the large corporations, but the little guys prosper at this time of year as well. Christmas just makes me stupid happy and I have no idea what a non-commercial Christmas would be like. I love it just the way it is, friends and families getting together, having fun, and just being MERRY!!

Anyways, I think the big reason I love Christmas is due to Mr. Claus, and the miracles, and happiness, that he brings to so many children around the world...myself included!

I feel the same way about much of that stuff but for different reasons. I hate the commercial resoning behind much of it but it makes me feel like a kid again. If you can lose yourself in that childhood wonder and innocence as an adult it is worth it to me. I remember being so excited as a kid I would throw up. I miss being excited about things these days (just doesn't happen much as an adult). Having a 2 year old at home this time of year is amazing. I like how excited he gets watching the old Rudolph (with Burl Ives) and the old Frosty.

Anyway my 2 cents.


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