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I just don't "do" Christmas...so my question is...


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I'd argue that Rudolph is a subversively racist classic. Rudolph gets made fun of by his peers and is shunned by his communtity because he is different, and then he is welcomed back only because his nose is of use to Santa. Disgracefully racist.


Sounds like a theme used throughout time. There is a kid at my high school who has red hair and is shunned by fellow students. Is that "racist"?

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Just say that you've never experienced the holidays outside of prison and you don't buy anything because you know Santa will come through.

Stress the fact that you truely believe in Santa and that you don't want to piss him off because you know that he is also God. How can he fly around the planet and deliver presents in one night without ALSO being God.

If he tells you that santa and God are 2 different things, start getting all pissed off and scared because you got them confused and now God AND Santa are pissed at you.

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Just say that you've never experienced the holidays outside of prison and you don't buy anything because you know Santa will come through.

Stress the fact that you truely believe in Santa and that you don't want to piss him off because you know that he is also God. How can he fly around the planet and deliver presents in one night without ALSO being God.

If he tells you that santa and God are 2 different things, start getting all pissed off and scared because you got them confused and now God AND Santa are pissed at you.

That just might be crazy enough to work...

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Would he believe that you were Jehovah Witness?

If not, why don't you start by going to work and weeping openly at your desk...

when people ask what is wrong... say...

I still haven't gotten over that there is no Santa... thank god people in my life understand and don't send presents.. because, getting ... a.... gift........... would......... surely (SOB SOB) throw me over the EDGE!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and J, I am going to send you a card anyway, ok? :)

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Stoned Phillips I am getting on board with your position. As I write this, I am playing hooky from a Christmas Decoration party going on in our lobby. (I think the fact that I'm Jewish, though, held a bit more weight on this issue; as oppposed to the issue over having a poinsettia in my office.)

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Here's my thought: you feel so strongly about not celebrating christmas....then just be honest. Nothing works better then honesty. Bring it up casually around the coffee machine in the morning!

I love Christmas! I just wish I had more to give to all my friends and family to show them how much I love them all. Sometimes "words" are the best gift! To me christmas is about "love", and I like to be the shinning star!

(god I'm full of cheese today -sorry guys! Just feeling a little sentimental....can't wait to get home to the family next week)

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Stoned Phillips I am getting on board with your position. As I write this, I am playing hooky from a Christmas Decoration party going on in our lobby. (I think the fact that I'm Jewish, though, held a bit more weight on this issue; as oppposed to the issue over having a poinsettia in my office.)

Right on, man! Fight the Yuletide power!!

Sunshine, your advice is sage. And, believe me, I have been honest in the past. People think I'm silly, though, half the time..they try to convince me that I'm wrong or they don't really believe what I'm saying.."C'mon, don't you want to open presents?"

Nope. That's the point. This is my position and I'd appreciate that it be respected.

But for those of you who love Christmas--more power to ya!! Jingle all the way, baby!

If I was wholly honest, I'd also mention that one of the reasons I don't do Christmas is because it's a sad time of year for me (which people understand better than my anti-commercialization stance), but those reasons aren't necessarily my co-workers' business.

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