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Sat. Feb. 5 in Ottawa ... D Dog, H Mouse, drums

mark tonin

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I knew that Saturday was going to be a wreck pretty early on. I remember spontaneously sweating and asking Schnelly if he, too, found it unbearably hot in the cab on the way to 'that place'. This is pre-intoxicants.

It was great to see some old familiar faces, some faces that are just now becoming familiar, and to meet some new people as well. Glad that, for once, I didn't show up too late to catch Tonin & the Harvard Mouse boys play (good stuff guys!), the KDub possee drumming was groovin', and Diesel Dog -- your music has healing properties. Forgot myself for awhile while you were playing. Good times to see a Lancaster-esque show in my new home town.

Tenants of that place --

Thanks for all the smiles, warm greets, and making me feel so welcome.

Meggo --

Talking to you in the kitchen kept me conscious until I could dump myself into a cab. Thanks for that.

Max Webster --

I wasn't as 'on' as usual ... but you sure were. Had me in stitches all night. Can't believe that I didn't get a chance to party with the kitty ears. Oh well, there is always next time.

If nothing else, Schnell had a lot of extra beers to drink in my absence.

As pumped as I was for this weekend, I would have sat this one out if you hadn't been here. It's rare for 3/4 of the relevant members of the old skool College St. Crew to get a chance to be in the same room together these days, and I wasn't about to pass it up on account of a bit of dizziness and queasiness. Hope I didn't give anyone at the bar SARS, avian chicken flu, or similar. Feel **way** better today.

Spent the night shivering in bed while you were still living it up. I'm sure you'll be teasing me about that time you came to O'town and I went home early for years. I'm quite prepared for it.

Keep yer nose clean.

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It sure was nice to see everyone that made the trip from SWO lastnight. As much as I love Ottawa, it's always nice to have a little piece of back-home come this way.

It was nice to see Mark Tonin on stage (and I'm glad we found each other on the dance floor like old times).

The DRUM circle ROCKED!!!

I was sooooo excited to see Diesel Dog, as I haven't seen them since a London show almost a year ago! Great Show GUYS! You kept me dancing and SMILING all night long!

Everyone Come Back Soon!!!

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That percussion group was a fanatastic transition between bands.

I watched as concentric circles of percussionists grew outside of the core. I finally grabbed a noisemaker which we'll call the 'cowbell' and I was goign to get all Wil Farrell on it but I ended up trying to sound good.

It kept me occupied like crazy.

Anyway, here's a couple of samples from my exhibit which will be shown at the Ottawa Wookie Gallery next week.



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wowza! what a blast. thanks to everybody who came out last night, especially the bands and all the fans who did some traveling to get here. lots of fun reconnecting wiht friends and shakin our bootays!

it was a big night for me:

meggo -"hey, did you guys know that 'deckuf' is 'fu©ked' backwards?"

rosie -"umm, welcome to five years ago meggo!"

another highlight was breaking the record at that place for most people dancing on the table at once. eight people baby, yeah!!!

thanks to the boys at that place for hosting, yet again. :)

good times!

ooo and some pics from the evening. there are some good ones, heeheehee! i am fully willing to accept bribes for anyone who may want pictures taken down. ;) my personal faves are the one of sunshine which is ADORABLE, bradM the wizard doing his thing and the cute couple. enjoy.

add - glad you made it home in one piece and you're feelin better d-rawk!

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I just want to hop in on this thread before it gets swept away and thank the bands (Harvard Mouse/the drummers/Diesel Dog) and every one else that came out on Saturday (especially the many people who drove up from S.Ont. - you know who you are) and made it such a good day->night->day.

I guess my only problem is I got so corked that I didn't get a chance to meet a few people or at least if I did I really can't remember but Bokonon, Floyd, Momack if I didn't get a chance to say hi, sorry but I'll try next time (I think I figured out who Bokonon was at one point and then lost track of time (among other things)).

Anyway I'm looking forward to the next time a whole whack of us can get together to listen to good music and party.

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What TheSloth said...What really impressed me was the number of people who were out, and out early (and Harvard Mouse, who actually wanted to start at 9:30pm; they also did the longest opening set I've ever been at), and how hard they were going at it. (I came back in at the end of the band break, and the energy level from the drumming flat-out floored me.) Diesel Dog also had an amazingly commanding presence on stage (not unlike BNB), and such a cool relaxed approach to the funk, that it was infectious to my ears.

I didn't get the chance to meet as many people as I had hoped I would, and for that, I apologize. My attention was pretty much focused on the taping, and I didn't mingle much; I also skipped the afterpary in an attempt to achieve consciousness some time during Sunday.

We often (jokingly) talk about the Ottawa Team vs. the SoOn Team...well, what blows them both away is the combined Ottawa/SoOn [or should that be SoOn/Ottawa] Team. Each team is great on its own, but together, and with the right musical component, it's astounding!



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....it's hilarious after a big weekend how people are pretty much out of commission for days and the board is just dead.

WOW - Saturday night was a blast! It was awesome to see everyone who made the trek down, I was in some shape Saturday and was down pretty early, so didn't get to hang with everyone as much as I would've liked, but I think I did a shot with most people in the bar (at least it felt like it!)

To the bands - thank you for coming! Diesel Dog had the room hoppin' and it was great to see the guys/gal in the band. It was also great to meet the Harvard Mouse guys and hang with them. Great to see Esau, and Floyd, and....damn, well everybody who came down (you know who you are!)

A special thanks to Mark and Harvard Mouse for playing Sugar Magnolia complete with dedication to me and my Sugar Meg-nolia. That was like - life highlight material boys - so cool - thanks again! :) :) :)

.....anyone up for a low-key weekend??

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