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thankyou nero

Im going home Donny

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All my best to each of you in your future endeavors. :)

I hope music stays in yer lives...because you are all so dam talented.

(I'm still gonna quietly wish for a reunion ;))

luv and respect,


oh and neros eve......awesome, incredible, glorious, inspiring, melting madness.....loved it. Cheers. ::

oops...guess I missed Guigs post....but in my opinion given what nero has done for this place....every post should be a nero thankyou for a day. :P ::

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Massive thanks to nero for the years of fine music,laughs & friendship.

I probally wouldn't have met so many of the friends I have now if not for ya'll,another huge thanks.Hands down the best dam after-parties ever!

I love ya guys,although,the friendships aren't over,as a band its not going to be the same without ya.

All the best to you in the future,see ya soon.(feb)

It’s these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes

Nothing remains quite the same

With all of our running and all of our cunning

If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane

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Dave, Punk, Jay, Todd, Shane... Thanks for the good times... Honestly, the scene has lost one of the good ones. I never had a bad time at a nero show, and I've made some of the best friends in my life thanks to you guys. New Year's Eve will never be as much fun. Thanks for the music, thanks for everything... I wish all of you the best in life, let's not lose touch. You're all kings among men...

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Dear You Guys,

Despite the fact that I didn't make it to the Last Hurrah (I assume Scorsese was there filming, yes?), I'd still like to say thanks for all the great music and fun times. You guys rock..individually and together.

Punk, I got a Pancake Pillow with your name on it...




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Thanks for bringing everyone together on so many occasions. You guys really were a catalyst for so many wonderful things (like my and my girl hooking up for instance).

As I said on New Years Eve "youuusze zjthio3jl DaS jes kthe belstes HIC!"

I will always believe that.

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A couple of years ago, in a hung-over morning, I wrote an impressionistic piece about a 'nero goes Hawaiian' theme night, which included an observation:

What we saw and what we heard turned into what we felt: senses blurred into layers of feeling, with no hard separation between them.

While there's a lot of other neat stuff in that post, that's the bit I think I'm most proud of: being part of the blurring of the lines between sound/sight/feeling, between band/audience/instrument, between the leaders and the led, etc.

Basically, the bradm you know is largely a product of a chain of events that began one fateful night at a nero show. I thank the band (and all of you) for that. While the fan of nero is saddened that we won't have the music made live in front of people in the forseeable future, the friend of the members of nero is glad the band has found a path that they think will bring them to happiness. If that ain't prototypically bittersweet, I don't know what is. :(:)



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