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where are the non-heady folk?


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I think that for the most part, this scene is one big earthy boy's club. not that it's a problem, but I think that not enough girls are getting into the scene...dont' know why but I think it's time that some action happens.

We all know that it's a super fun time to go to shows and boogie down. people party and have the best time they can. I have no idea why it's such a huge 'sausage fest' but here's my thought.

Ladies have lady friends. girls know girls that know girls...and we all know that guys go where the girls are, right? well! how better to pump numbers in a scene but to get women out to shows...then guys bring more guy friends AND women out because it's a great place for all.

slowcoaster and the bus are coming back around ontario shortly. Let's try to work a female network to get out to these shows. so many single guys that are polite AND know how to have a good time without copious amounts of groping?

and guys - if this happens we have to look SHARP when we go to shows. i think that might be an issue...just going out in what we lay around the house in? sure that's the freedom of the jam culture but it's also a different thing to get spiffed up even a little to go out to shows...i'm not saying wear a suit (unless you can really do it up) but if the ball starts rolling then why not? couples, go out And have a special night...singles, tell all your single friends how it's such an awesome vibe and the drinks FLOW and the party will go!

bad idea?? it'd be nice to start seeing a lot more shows at barrymore's instead of dekcuf...these bands deserve the respect that only we give them...let's get that out of the rest of the world...and the key is the woman.

don't mean to sound sexist...that's not my intention. i'm not looking for dates from this or anything (but i must admit it'd be icing on the cake...)

I just wish more people could 'get it'...i mean look at the east coast! parties are going on strong out there. someone back me up on this one...or refute if you must...but how could getting people out to a show be bad in any way??? don't just be devil's advocate here.

now this goes the other way...any women reading this that wants more straight-laced boys to come out, why not try to get some clean cut men out to shows??

sure it's nice to go out and have friends come out, but what about the people that have no clue this kind of music exists?

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sorry for the dumbness...but at least i'm trying to be proactive here. Not that we should feel fed up with the size of the shows around these parts, but they should be bigger IMO.

and re: beards??

i think shaving could be a bit drastic, but a beard trimmer is a great invention that too few wooks operate.

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I have a few theories on this,

1. Relentless lead guitar onstage is masturbation. It's more sport than music at times.

2. As you rightly pointed out Beats, many jam freaks don't shower and take care of themselves physically

3. As Bokonon mentioned elsewhere, perhaps the pet peeves thread, our world is no more accepting and nurturing than other musical worlds. It most definitely is NOT a world of peace and love. I would like to think otherwise but I've witnessed enough sexual harassment from the so-called hippies to realize we're no different than anyone else.

4. Guys do more drugs, drink more and make fools out of themselves. It's funny at times, but maybe it's not conducive to a stronger female contingent?

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speaking for myself here, don't shave and dress pretty, there's already enough of that around. long hair, beards and casual clothes are hot.

actually, you know what's really hot, coveralls! i think all the guys should wear coveralls all the time. and you should all learn a skill, that's super sexy. ggrrrrr.

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speaking for myself here, don't shave and dress pretty, there's already enough of that around. long hair, beards and casual clothes are hot.

bokonon, where have you been all of my jamband life? ;)

actually, you know what's really hot, coveralls! i think all the guys should wear coveralls all the time.

Well, if we wore them all the time, we would get really hot...those things don't provide enough in the way of breathage, 'specially in areas where it counts the most, if ya know what ah'm sayin'...

and you should all learn a skill, that's super sexy. ggrrrrr.

Does taping count? I can also type (I was made to take typing for two years in high school [thanks, Mom]), and can even prepare food in such a way so as not to kill or seriously debilitate those who consume it. I live alone, am well-read, and enjoy moonlit walks on the beach...



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watch it, brad...i dont' want a certain drummer to have to drive up here to lay a beating down.

however...do you folk think that it's a particularly bad idea to try to get more ladies out to shows?? is there an inherent problem with this?

what would it really hurt? slowcoaster and the bus aren't masters of wankery. i understand what you've all written - pointing out the potential less than ideal issues in a debate, but why would you really not want to see if it works??

i mean the boys'd get more at the door and I would contest that the girls'd have a fun time. the music is great and people have fun. why be a killjoy?

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I dunno, I see a fair number of women at shows. Some of the Nero Hamilton shows were funny brcause it felt like the waiting room of a gay bathhouse but apart from that I see lots of representation for the fairer sex. One of my favorite things about this board, by the way, are the contributions of our sisters.

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not JUST...i am kinda suprised that i'm alone on this one.

I've been to a lot of shows where i saw a fair amount of women, but more and more and more folks in the scene seem to be guys. with more 'jams' coming to the forefront it seems that guys get into the music more easily and girls like the times and the 'songs'...another generalization, but I think it's at least rooted a bit in reality.

I guess all we can do is bring more fr4iends out that might not be into hippy culture...is that a possibility?

does anybody think they can at least try?

I think it's fun to get people out that don't normally enjoy good times with live music.

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my perspective is one of past club manager. it's absolutely true...numbers follow women. it's hard to get women out to party and it's hard to get numbers at jamband shows. the press doesn't back us up, party people turn their noses up at the patchouli, and we're left to party with the same old crowd - I like going out not knowing the majority of people at a show, and having a group of friends to rock out with...it's nice to know the faces of everybody at a club but not at every show.

and polkaroo - bokonon posted. she's quite a lady.


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i only know three women that have played with jambands. shelby kerr (vocals with the brantford bands)

summer martin (congas and vocals w/ diesel dog)

reena whose last name i don't remember (used to play congas with mark wilson)

that's a really good point jaimoe.

oh yeah, and melissa from wasabi

that's all i can think of right now.

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the problem is you fu©kers ain't got no game. look at me, i'm the bill clinton of presidental smoothness. you stinky hippies, with your dancing and drugs. better gets some game soon or next thing you know ya all will be wanting to have gay marriage. opps too late. you're screwed. I think you should change your name to Master-beats

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but tony - i think i'm all too misunderstood by the fairer sex...

which is fine by me...less headaches, less times i have to 'explain myself' when my motives are always on the up and up...

still up for grabes as a valentine, but heady wife?? i doubt anybody could find me one at this stage in the game.

why not find one for J-Roc...he needs one more than me. i just want to get more numbers at shows and a new spin on the jamscene...club girls dance sexily. if i were onstage i'd want it to be a full on prince-a-thon.

that's half my motive...but if i have to explain in detail how musicians play better with a sexy vibe then i'll have to shake my head in dismay.

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