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Hermit Crabs are Cool!!1


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Got Crabs? The Hermit Crab Association is looking for people who are serious about hermit crabs.

this thread so weirded me out (I have a deep gut distaste/disgust for fish and shellfish -- ya, I know, I'm fukced!) that I had to google this idea of hermit crabs as pets. I seriously thought they were only food!

Turns out, Jroc, you've joined a whole new community of crab-lovers and can even attend conferences!!

Land hermit crabs are relatively easy to find in pet stores, but care is required in choosing a potential pet. Check to make sure that all the legs are present (3 pairs of walking legs), the shell covering the head and thorax isn't damaged, there are no parasites/small bugs present, and that the crab is lively. Larger crabs may be more hardy, and if you already have a crab then it is important to match sizes pretty closely otherwise fighting may occur.

Hermit crabs are not "true crabs." They have a smaller, soft abdomen which they protect by living in an empty snail shell. They must find larger shells as they grow, and owners of these pets must provide progressively larger shells as their pets grow.

did you get an owner's guide/recipe book? ;)

link to above info source

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