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Pot Farm Dead RCMP Thingy


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I'm too lazy and short of time to find the old thread right now but has anyone else noticed that the news articles on CBC don't seem to mention pot anymore? I read one this morning that only mentions stolen property. Now, I'm not really much of a consiracy theorist but, the first thing that popped into my head when I read about this case (originally) was what impact it might have on the Liberal's decriminalization bill. Combine that with the political geography of this case, and the fact that suddenly pot seems to have been dropped from the cause, and it's really got me wondering what the hell is going on.

I'm sure there's stuff I'm missing right? (It's early and I haven't had a coffee.)

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it was only 20 plants, and the dude who shot the cops was well known as a cop hater (an unbalanced and dangerous one at that)... the police went to his property over a pickup truck the unbalanced guy had leased

regardless, the Liberals voted for legalization amongst themselves on Friday... doesn't change the legality for now but is a step in the right direction

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my issue with the decrim bill is this:

the law will have essentially no problem with the users and the drug itself...you can smoke up and have a bit of it, but how do you GET it? the increase of fines to the grow ops makes it an even BIGGER crime to grow, essentially increasing the criminalization of the drug, making the need for them to be larger to outweigh the consequences, thus pushing the little guy, the homegrower, out of the market and in essence MAKING it an issue of organized crime...and driving the quality of herb way way way down...i forsee the chemical intake to increase with unflushed, uncured plants.

we're gonna have way mroe weed that smells like chemical fertilizers and baby poop.

i think the government is again misguided.

more people should grow mushrooms...they're legal until dried...so there are loopholes...

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I believe the current Liberal discussion is trying to look at government distribution like the liquor stores... where the Pot Stores will get it, I don't know... someone will get a license to grow

hopefully they're learning their lesson with the bad weed they've grown the past few years... hire stoners to grow the weed

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We should all just learn how to grow our own plant. I'm not sure what kind of yeild you can get from one plant, but if you could get enough from one or two plants, to last until your next plant is ready, then that would be perfect. Problem solved. Is anyone really concerend over someone growing a plant or two?

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more people should grow mushrooms

While they are delicious on pizza ;) and one of my favourite past times, a house full of fungus is one of the most rotten smells going. :: Phew!!! Not a healthy environment. Although i guess you could grow outdoors seasonally. Haven't tried that yet.

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more people should grow mushrooms...they're legal until dried...so there are loopholes...

Hey there Beats!

I thought that was a U.K. law... are you sure that's true in Canada? If so, why can't I buy fresh shrooms in the headshops here like I did in England? (40 grams of Columbian for 5 British Pounds - and the shopkeep doubled us up for free!!!)

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