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The church is at it again...


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first of all who gives a sh!t what Brown has to say about what happened 2000 years ago--its a fictional novel... I'm surprised they even blinked on that one..

But to make a claim that the trial, death and resurrection of Christ are indisputable??

Really?? I mean, we all have freedom to choose what we want to believe in and have faith, but to make such a claim seems a bit ridiculous since the only evidence the Church has are "books."

Hmmmmm, isn't that ironic?

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Guest Low Roller

The trial, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are core concepts of Christianity so obviously someone of high standing in the faith, such as a cardinal, would defend them.

On the other hand you're free to believe whatever you want.

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This isn't surprising really, the book undermines the church unfairly in a number of ways, and as Number 2 said this is a work of fiction. The forthcoming movie is going to send the Vatican's public relations staff into a frenzy.

I just ordered a free DVD off the Christian Television Station (CTS) that focuses on the Da Vinci code and errors contained within it. I'm looking forward to seeing it and no doubt to the slew of junk mail I am likely to get now.

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For those who are interested in this stuff, History Television is airing The Real Da Vinci Code on Wednesday, March 23.

There's also a non-fiction book with a lot of the same stuff as "The Da Vinci Code": Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent (et al) deals with the Knights Templar, what "the grail" is, etc. Note that there's at least one claim that the whole thing (esp. the stuff about the Priory of Sion) is a hoax.



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Thanks bradm for the CESNUR link (they always have good stuff). Had a chance to read John Robison's *Proofs of a Conspiracy* (1798), which they have a copy of at the Rare Books library at U of T, and it had me in stitches - until you put it side by side with things like Pat Robertson's *New World Order* (Robertson, inter alia, having nearly taken primaries in the 1988 pres. race) .

Polkaroo, do keep us up to speed on what the people at Crossroads have to say (I expect there won't be many surprises, mind you).

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Its seems pretty hard to argue that Jesus never existed, there is pretty substantial historical evidence of that. The debatable part is his resurrection, unfortunately neither side in that debate is willing to give any credibility to the evidence that supports an opposing view. All anyone can do is examine all the evidence for themselves with an open and clear mind and make their own decisions

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There's a United Church bishop named John Sponge (no joke about the name), who wrote a book called "Why Christianity Must Change Or Die".

This is a mind-blowing book. He writes about how it is common conversation amongst theological academics that the Christ story is just a myth. There is much more in the book, but I found this aspect funny given Mr. Fancy Pants Cardinal's claims about the Christ story being undisputable!

He was the first bishop to ordain a gay minister, doesn't believe in God and still considers himself a strong Christian. Really cool dude and a phenomenal book if anyone is into this stuff...

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A terrific number of people on the religious right hate Spong (who I think is Episcopalian/Anglican) like nobody's business, and it's not to hard to see why! Doctrine is a powerful psychological wedge. There's some interesting rethinking going on within Anglicanism too, esp. in England; Anglicans even formally jettisoned the idea of Hell in the last few years. I always wondered how you go about doing that (not like I disagree or anything).

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Back in university, a buddy and I wrote a song called "The Bathmat Of Graceland". See, if Elvis died while sitting on the toilet, he probably keeled over onto the bathmat. Now put that idea with that of The Shroud Of Turin...

Bless me Father for I have sinned

Turn on the water and put me in

Rinse me off and let me stand

On the sanctified Bathmat of Graceland



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Bless me Father for I have sinned

Turn on the water and put me in

Rinse me off and let me stand

On the sanctified Bathmat of Graceland

Haahaaahaaahaaaa!!! That's hilarious bradm. In university my brother and I rewrote a great number of songs. Our favourite is Brian Wilson by the Barenaked Ladies rewritten about Michael Jackson. Use your imagination folks. I'd love to hear what others come up with. Hehehe... :P

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Bacon is a vegetable isn't it?

Sponge's argument is that Jesus was a really tuned in dude (I'm paraphrasing here...) who loved, lived and gave fully in every aspect of his life. While any truly enlightened person (buddha, mother theresa, insert saintly soul here) can provide us with inspiration to do the same, his personal example is Jesus Christ - hence he still is a CHRISTian...

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Not wishing to tread in on the religious aspect of any of this, but I've always found that the following statement speaks volumes about just how .. ermm .. let's say .. pragmatic the Church, as an institution, has been willing to be in order to guard its social/cultural/political influence (and economic security?):

"It has served us well, this myth of Christ" -- Pope Leo X

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"It has served us well, this myth of Christ" -- Pope Leo X

It reminds me of one of my favourite exhanges in *Last Temptation of Christ*, when Paul meets the failed Jesus and walks away disgusted, saying that he was glad he had met him, because it proved to him how much better the story he'd been telling was.

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why is jesus always depicted here in north america as white looking? if you go to egypt what do pictures of jesus look like there? i like our jesus pictures, he's super hot! :: but it's more likely that he wasn't very white. i'd like to see how hot black jesus is.

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why is jesus always depicted here in north america as white looking? if you go to egypt what do pictures of jesus look like there? i like our jesus pictures, he's super hot! :: but it's more likely that he wasn't very white. i'd like to see how hot black jesus is.

I can't remember if it was the Discovery channel or not that did it but one of those channels did a mini-series thing on "the real Jesus" or something of the sort.

They hired one of those forensic clay modeling guys, you know the ones that do up the clay models of what dead people might have looked like when they were alive, based on skull features and such.

Anyway.. they did one for Jesus, and though he wasn't of that deep dark African look, he was certainly darker than say the people of the modern day middle east or Mediteranian.

Anyway, it was a cool show.. sorry I can't remember the name of it.

And I agree, Jesus wasn't white.

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Its seems pretty hard to argue that Jesus never existed, there is pretty substantial historical evidence of that.

Actually, there's no historical evidence that Jesus existed, or that many of the "historical" events that the New Testament describes ever even happened.

Read this for more information.

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