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he died for you - now eat some ham.


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Cheers to jesus - He died for you this weekend, many years ago.

i don't care how misguided and insane he was or wasn't - he changed the world for the rest of us and made the hippy way of live acceptable to many, yet strangely sacriligious to others.

i love jesus. i wish i could hang out with the guy. he'd bring the wine.

and i know that if sh!t went down i could go 'it was that guy' and he's still love me.

aah jesus. what a righteous dude.

how is ham an easter meat when Jesus was Jewish?

is that like a 'baco-tarian'??

falafel with bacon tastes great by the way. remember that.

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Julia Kristeva has a great discussion in her book Black Sun about how the crucial thing in the Easter story is not the resurrection but the sheer fact of the death; it takes some effort, she argues, not to skip the latter to get to the comfort of the former. She frames the argument around a painting by Hans Holbein of the dead Christ, which is really gloomy, inescapably miserable, and for that reason very much to the point.

While poking around for said picture, I ran across this detail, which gave me a good laugh. If there were a caption, I figure it would be something like, "I forgive you, but sometimes you really can be a bunch of assholes."


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I can't beleive that i actually know something about this but...here it goes...why is the bunny rabbit and the easter egg hunt apart of the christian practice? Back in the day I am not sure when the rabbit was looked at as a symbol of life and furtility...( for example, they do it like rabbits), so this in the time when the "lord", "son of jesus", was sacrificed, and had risen again during the christian calander period christians celebrate as Easter Weekend, the rabbit became a symblo used by the russians I beleive(not sure about that...excuse me I read to fu©king muck sh!t, and somtimes my facts get confuse, feel free to check). Anyway...this was obviously followed by the "elders" creating a myth that this magic rabbit of "life" deposited magical eggs during the time of easter. So as years passed, as with many things on this planet...it was taken by the commercial side of life and thus came the existance of the easter bunny...and holy sh!t some a$$hole managed to turn yet another suppesed religious holiday into another westernized money making machine...man were fu©ked...Happy easter all. Mikey

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" You point out one of the many of hypocracies of the god worshippers.... "

No need to be a fu©ker, lazlo. ;)

why is it so bad that people get amusement out of candy and fun?

sure it's serious - the death (and resurrection) but I think it's a pretty cool thing that people get involved in a holiday.

i loved the huge leg of ham last night. too bad i had a swollen gland and went to bed right after. it was nummy.

I'm down with all the holidays but don't get into them.

why be a hater? just don't buy into it if you think it's a sack of sh!t.

but next year when you can get legs of ham at $1 a pound, buy that up. have a mad potluck feast. you could feed like 20 people with that...especially since people will bring bean salad and turnip and potato salad and this and that and that and something else...a feast i tells ya.

and the easter hunt could be fun too.

edited to change feel to feed.

unless you WANT to feel 20 people with a leg of ham. i'd need to be good and liquored up to get felt with a leg of ham.

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