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I would not go so far as to insult you, Paan, by calling you creepy, but I do agree with MarcO to the extent that I am not interested in hearing about your balls, orgasms, grabbing your wife's breasts while trimming the Christmas tree, etc...

I mean no offense in asking this, but could you possibly label threads like this something like "PERSONAL SEX PREFERENCES" so that some of us could avoid opening them?

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Everyone's entitled to their opinions. If I cared what other people thought of me I wouldn't do posts like this.

I get a good laugh out of it... that's all that matters in the end... and if I can make some others laugh too... even better.

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See, it's all pretty funny, since you all thought I was joking, but I wasn't. I really do find these threads creepy - not because you shave your balls, but because you feel the burning desire to tell us all about it... as well as telling us about just how dandy your orgasms are, and how you were unsatisfied with the current state of porn, and on and on and on.

I second StoneMtn's comments - I don't need to hear about it. Whether you are creepy in person or not I can't say.

We're all sexual, dude - we just don't all have to constantly tell everyone else how sexual we are. It's called being an adult - which is much different than being sexually repressed.

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Paan: I made no comment about what I or anyone else think of you. I also agree that it is good to make others laugh.

I think that what was implicit in my post, though, is that you are welcome to post these topics; I just ask that you label them. I am willing to bet that there are people who do want to hear about your balls (at least J-Roc does). I am just asking that you respect those people who find it gross to read about these topics by labelling them so that we will just ignore the thread and not open it.

I would not be writing this if this were a different type of bulletin board, one dedicated to sex and porn or something, but I don't think that most people come here to hear about your sex life; I know I don't.

(BTW: When I say that you are welcome to keep posting these threads as long as you label them, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you are not talking about "getting a good laugh" out of grossing people out. If that is the case, and that is not only why you post these threads but is also why you will then refuse to label them, then I have a very different opinion of you and your threads.)

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oh, what a bunch of squares! gad, boobies and girl ass in a thread and you get a "hells ya!" around here, heady epic gets a damn near standing ovation for his misogynistic essays, and yet at the mere mention of a male body part (by a male, no less, and more of an innocent observation than anything), and suddenly we need warning labels and there's an uproar around here? whatever.

paan, i found nothing about this post even vaguely offensive, in fact, i find your sense of humour refreshing, and a welcome addition to the monotonoy of "oh let's argue about this band for the bajillionth time" threads. seeing "free moustache rides", "wook porn" (with comments along the lines of "yum, hot heady mamas, gimmie some of that"), and replies of "awesome" to heady's chauvinistic diabtribes (regardless of how well written they are) is FAR creepier than any paan post i've read yet.

so with all the flinging of personal insults at paan and demanding warnings on his thread titles, i should expect to see the same attack all ready set go for the next person who posts pictures or talks about any naked girl parts, then? yeah, didn't think so.

and please put this post in whatever colour is appropriate for "lighthearted sass", not evil wench scolding, because marco & hamilton you know i adore you both (in real world terms & all). as usual ::, i just couldn't keep my mouth shut here because having also met paan a few times in real life, i can say there is no BAD creepy vibes to be found, and i'm really not liking this whole gang up on paan turn his thread has taken.

and for the record, paan, as a woman i rather enjoyed your take on why porn sucks, you don't hear that side coming from men too often.

carry on, then.


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I'm not a prude, or a square (or homophobic, for that matter). If one could be arrested for sexthoughtcrime, I would be serving more life sentences than you could imagine. It's just that I don't need to share my sex fantasies on-line... at least, not in a music forum.

Paan's gender has absolutely nothing to do with the issue whatsoever. I would find it equally classless if a female member of the forum decided to start a discussion on her menstrual cycle or vaginal hygiene ("Just finished douching, so I thought I'd let you all know!"). Or, for that matter, if she shaved off all of her pubic hair. Am I disgusted by the existence of these things? Of course not... just that the general public doesn't need these details, anymore than we need to hear about your masturbating schedule, or the exact intensity of your last orgasm, or that you just finished having sex with some sort of farm animal.

Talking about sex openly is healthy, of course... but it does have its place and time. Talking about sex and your genitals so much that it becomes a defining part of how others view you (even if it is only "virtual" viewing) is okay if you are a fourteen year-old boy, but not when you are a married father in your mid-thirties. Then, it's creepy.

Have some class, dude.

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To me, this is really all blown out of proportion... (by the way, thanks Princess, nice to see some others on the same wavelength).

To me it's simple... from this point on, if you see a post by me, and you don't like what I have had to say so far... just don't read it. That way the fun and open-minded can read about something other than 'why I hate George Bush', and the others don't have to waste their time reading my posts, they don't have to waste their time replying to them, and I don't have to waste my time reading them.

Not rocket science.

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Paan, have you given any thought to what might happen once the hair starts to noticably grow back? Stubble can be itchy, at times. (My brother had this problem when he started growing a beard, and found that normal hair conditioner helped.)


BRAD (Barbers, Razors, And Depilatories)

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** WARNING ** ** WARNING ** If you are easily offended or don't want to read about anything to do with genitalia STOP READING NOW **

Yeah, well aware of the stubble issue... I have a handy invention I created to solve that issue.

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Paan, have you given any thought to what might happen once the hair starts to noticably grow back? Stubble can be itchy, at times. (My brother had this problem when he started growing a beard, and found that normal hair conditioner helped.)


BRAD (Barbers, Razors, And Depilatories)

brad, you're always thinking around the corner.

you must kick ass at chess ;)

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To me it's simple... from this point on, if you see a post by me, and you don't like what I have had to say so far... just don't read it. That way the fun and open-minded can read about something other than 'why I hate George Bush', and the others don't have to waste their time reading my posts, they don't have to waste their time replying to them, and I don't have to waste my time reading them.

Not rocket science.

Another thing that is not rocket science is that if you choose to represent yourself on a public forum by discussing your orgasms and personal genital grooming habits, then people may find you creepy. And while I actually respect the fact that you don't care, I equally don't care if I should seem prudish by stating unequivocally that I don't need nor want to know about such things. Everyone is entitled to lapses in taste and judgment and I could certainly always choose not to respond. But if your answer to this is simply to say I should just not read your posts, you might as well say, "if you don't like the way my farts smell, don't smell them." A response becomes involuntary, an expression of distaste for the behaviour of others. Further, I don't think opposing responses to a potentially offensive post constitutes "ganging up" on someone. This is a message board with 1000+ people registered to it. No one is just talking to themselves. So keep posting, I'll keep reading. It is a public forum after all, accessible to anyone you know, don't know, will never know, or have yet to get to know. In that light, I will apologize for calling you creepy. Perception vs. reality.

palaceprincess - the adoration is mutual, it is a pleasure to agree to disagree.

Now let's have three cheers for Bruschetta bread!!

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