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tents in T.dot


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Cost-Co, behemoth tent w/built-in kitchen (or garage...hehehe) for just under $100 (plus tax). You can stand right up in this mother (top is like 6'2" or so) and the "spare room" is perfect to put a little table in and hang out when it's raining or if you're doing anything highly illegal. ;) It's called the "Wyoming". Hilarious!

Note: If phunkyb offers you a pipe before you're about to set it up for the first time...DO NOT ACCEPT! Yes, it is hard to turn down such a sweet offer, but you're looking at 2+ hours of assembly time if you dance with the green lady first. Sheesh! I thought it was the WORST tent ever to put up...until I did it when my head wasn't in the clouds. LOL

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Note: If phunkyb offers you a pipe before you're about to set it up for the first time...DO NOT ACCEPT! Yes, it is hard to turn down such a sweet offer, but you're looking at 2+ hours of assembly time if you dance with the green lady first. Sheesh! I thought it was the WORST tent ever to put up...until I did it when my head wasn't in the clouds. LOL


Our own mr. Hamilton used to host a big blowout at his place every sunday on the may 2-4. People were free to set up their tents on the property. After many long hours of kegs and whatnot, it was always a treat to attempt to assemble tents in the wee hours of the morning.... ahh memories...

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I just ordered a VERY nice 3 season 4 man tent from Mountain Equipment Co-op for $90. Don\t know if you wanna spend that much but... I'll give you my old 4 person tent (its from Superstore and in pretty good shape) for the price of shipping if you want it. I can PM you pics if your interested.

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After many long hours of kegs and whatnot, it was always a treat to attempt to assemble tents in the wee hours of the morning.... ahh memories...

Hahaha! I was trying soooo hard to get mine up before dark. I knew if it didn't happen that I would be sleeping in my van (which had conveniently died across the way...sorry to Ryan, Marsha, Marco, et al. for having it cramping your style). There were some seriously fucked up tents at CT. I saw one pop up style tent that was almost completely taken down. Poles popping out every which way. YET, there was still a passed out wookie on an air mattress inside. It was so damn funny. Oh well, at least he made an attempt. :D

I think a drunk tent building competition would be hilarious to have one day. Everyone can draw names as to whose tent they get to set up. LOL

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I think a drunk tent building competition would be hilarious to have one day. Everyone can draw names as to whose tent they get to set up. LOL

Do it like a variant of "Name That Tune": have people bid for the number of beers (or shots, or mouthfuls of smoke :) ) they injest before setting up the tent...

"I can set up that tent after 4 beers!"

"I can set up that tent after 5 beers!"

"I can set up that tent after 8 beers!"

"Anybody else? OK, Set Up That Tent!"

If the tent ends up looking like the picture on the package, the contestant wins.

Of course, by the time the bonus round comes around, it could get messy...



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Thanks for all the suggestions folks...

I just heard about a deal at coast mountain sport

3 person tent + 2 sleeping bags for 79.99

think I'll look into it, costco is a good idea too

everything I saw at MEC was WAAAY past my budget but that $90 one sounds good

my search continues...

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I dont know if the deals are the same across the countrey but i bought an 8 man wicked ass tent yesterday and a sleeping bag...And it only came to 138.50 or something right near there...both tent and sleeping bag we 40% off... good deal

Now i'm ready for festival season!! Wooo HOOO

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