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Maybe they are against marijuana, abortion and gay weddings?

I've never heard of this band until this thread. There's no loss to my life experience, but I would love to know what really happened to cancel 3 friggen shows. I guess these guys must be [color:purple]ROCK STARS or something.

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I play keyboards in the band so maybe I can give you an explanation. Let me preface this by saying that I am not one to trash someone's reputation in public, so I will give you the best answer I can and you can email me at tommckee@brotherspast.com if you'd like further details.

Not only were we looking forward to the shows, but we actually crossed the border and spent the night in Ottawa, fully expecting to perfom. It was only AFTER we found out the shows hadn't been promoted properly, and that the room in one of the cities hadn't even been rented yet, and that we more than likely were not going to be paid that we decided to cut our losses and head home.

I can assure you that Brothers Past will return to Canada, and if you choose to come, you can determine for yourself if our organization is weak or not. In the meantime, our sincere apologies for the inconvenience, and please understand that it was beyond our control. Thanks for the post.

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From reading what he wrote, it sounds like there was a mis-communication (or they assumed some things that turned out not to be the case). If he's talking about Mavericks, they don't promote themselves much (and often/usually don't advertise in XPress, for example), and I don't recall having seen any posters for the show; this may be the "hadn't been promoted part" he's talking about, if he means Ottawa.

As to the room rental, the show was listed on the Mavericks calendar (so they had a room; no "rental" was necessary), and at that venue, the band usually works for door money, so I'm not sure about the "not going to be paid" part, again, if they're referring to Ottawa.



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They would have likely agreed to some sort of guarantee if they were coming to play. I'm sure they weren't told that they were playign for the door. I don't really understand the 'cutting our losses' thing. If they were already here, they could have played without incurring any more losses.

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From my understanding, they were just left with a really bad taste in their mouth from the get go. Nothing was panning out right (according to what they were expecting) - whether as a result of miscommunication or whatever - and, they made the call to not continue dealing with the people that had failed to meet the promises they perceived to have been given (whether through miscommunication or misrepresentation).

There's always two sides to the story, but that's my read of where the BP dudes are coming from.

I can't say I blame them (that's not to say I blame the promoter). If I am going to perform somewhere and am expecting a, b and c and I get there to find e, f and g - I'd probably throw in the towel and head elsewhere too...

I suspect there was inadequate communication from both sides.

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I can't say I blame them (that's not to say I blame the promoter). If I am going to perform somewhere and am expecting a, b and c and I get there to find e, f and g - I'd probably throw in the towel and head elsewhere too...

But what about the kids?!!

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Hi guys. I am the keyboardist for Brothers Past. We have been getting emails all day about this week's cancellations, and I would like apologize to you all profusely and try to clarify our reasons.

Let me first say that I am not here to sling mud or point fingers or attempt to trash anyone's reputation. Let me also say that the cancellations in no way had anything to do with the festival or the conditions surrounding it. We very much wanted to play. Over the past two years we have forged friendships with the guys in JSB and Grand Theft Bus and they are two of our favorite bands to perform with.

The reasons for the cancellations stemmed from the club shows we were to perform in Ottawa and Montreal. These shows were originally booked in other venues, and rescheduled about three weeks ahead of time, which was the first red flag for us. We were not sent the necessary work permits needed to cross the border, and it was only because of a very lenient customs inspector that we were allowed across at all.

When we arrived in Ottawa, some other things became apparent: no local promotion had been done for the show at all (even at the club) and the venue in Montreal had not even been rented yet. There were also concerns about whether the band would be paid in full or even at all. (The promoter had become almost impossible to reach by phone and his bank account had frozen, making it impossible to wire the money to pay the bands.) Because we had never performed in either city, we felt like the outlook was bleak. Faced with the prospect of playing two unpromoted shows and the festival and losing money, or cutting our losses, heading home and trying to make the best of the situation, we chose the latter.

Seeing the emails and threads on the messages boards is definitely causing me to ask myself if we made the right decision, but we made the most pragmatic choice and I think in most situations on the road, 9 times out of 10 we would do the same thing. We ARE very sorry that we could not be at this festival, and we are very sorry that so many of you were looking forward to our set. We knew the band was gaining fans in Canada, but I don't think we realized the interest in the band was at the level it appears to be. WE WILL BE BACK TO CANADA. I can promise you that. And please believe me when I say that we are as disapointed at how things turned out as you are. Feel free to email me privately if you wish. tommckee@brotherspast.com

Here's hoping for a Canada run in the late fall!

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I didn't know secondtube played keys outside of fishing ;)

I still don't understand why they didn't just play in Ottawa if they were here. They were obviously pissed off and decided to say FUCK IT and everyone involved. It sounds like they would have had an audience here.

And what does not having a room booked in Montreal have to do with the Sunseeker ball? I guess they just didn't trust the promoter anymore and were pissed enough to take it out on the fans.

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im not in a band, nor do i promote, so my perspective may be a little off... but... i do know a little about customer service, and i'd say someone (promoter, seeing as the band has given their side) owes someone an explanation.. too often things get cancelled and no one knows why. if i cancelled an order on a customer of mine and didnt give them an explanation that certainly wouldnt go over well. business is business, i dont see why it's any different.

as far as the band goes, yeah, i still dont understand what 'cutting their losses' is if they're already here? were they paying for their own hotel room, so rather than stay an extra night, put the money into gas to get back home? if that's the scenario, why not play anyways, take what ya can from the door, and go from there? further to that you dont know who's gonna be in that room even just having a beer that nite. could have turned someone on who would not have otherwise heard your music, maybe sold a cd because of it, or gained fans a few fans from the chain reaction game.. 'well, if this guy tells 10 people, and they tell 10 people...." - right, im sure there are dudes in bands out there who could tell me otherwise, but shit, you're already there, why not at least treat it like a practice and have some fun? i dunno...

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I've really been trying to stay out of it but I most reposed now.

First off U.F.Productions has never ever cancelled a show in its 4 year 153 shows/events later induceding 3 BP dates in the east coast with Kid Koala.

Brothers Past has cancelled 4 shows in the last 2 weeks in Canada alone 2 festivals and 2 club shows.

As a band member Tom I wouldn't expect you to know all the details behind these shows.

Moving the Ottawa show downstairs to a bigger room with a liquor license was a good move.

Venue in Montreal was hard to come by do to the fact that there's a F1 race in Montréal this weekend and everything's been booked up for weeks. and the room was rented and tala is playing there tonight.

The work permit issues had to do with another half filed work permit from another promoter, witch in turn HRDC rejected mine!!!

There might not have been enough promo done,but Brothers Past never send there fucking promo packs out to either city!!

banking bullshit, and reaching on phone wasn't that hard I'm sorry i couldn't anwser 10 calls per/hour from you guys. I was never expected or committed to being on site for these shows. I'll never make that mistake again next I'll just turn shows down.

the Hotels in both cities was an issues, I thought the hotel in Ottawa was paid for but it was only on hold. and there was no way I was booking a hotel inside Montréal. I couldn't find one for less then $500per/room a night. and BP 3 double rooms per would just cost to much. whats a half hour drive to save $1,500, I had rooms booked just out side of the city on your way to the seeker.

ya the shows were under promo the hotel rooms weren't perfect. I made some mistakes mostly trying to put shows that I couldn't be on site for, but Brothers Past got paid for the both shows.

I feel for the Seeker crew, sorry if BP needs to blame me for them not playing your Festival. having you headliner canceled for reasons unrelated to you, is fucking bullshit. i sure there are contracts in place.


also you can email @ shane@ufproductions.com

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it's too bad it went down like that shane...

still, the idea of the band not playing the gig is just silly to me.. whats with those guys? :crazy:

"sorry to all our fans who were looking forward to our sets.. we were there, and coulda played, but decided to go home.. see ya next time!" - right.

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WE WILL BE BACK TO CANADA. I can promise you that.

Yes, but will you play? Jesus!

[color:purple]I can't wait to see these guys!

Guigsy hit the nail on the head with his "customer service" remark. I don't expect any band to take a hit because of poor promotion, but to pack up your gear and head back across the border when you're already in Canada still feels like a big "fuck you" to any fans here...despite the we're-really-sorry-perhaps-we-didn't-make-the-right-decision-see-you-in-the-fall disclaimer.

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WE WILL BE BACK TO CANADA. I can promise you that.

Yes' date=' but will you [b']play? Jesus!

[color:purple]I can't wait to see these guys!

Guigsy hit the nail on the head with his "customer service" remark. I don't expect any band to take a hit because of poor promotion, but to pack up your gear and head back across the border when you're already in Canada still feels like a big "fuck you" to any fans here...despite the we're-really-sorry-perhaps-we-didn't-make-the-right-decision-see-you-in-the-fall disclaimer.

I agree...wholeheartedly. Someone should enlighten these guys as to the realities of life on the road. Seems every time they encounter something they don't like, their solution is to turn around and go home. How mature! There is nothing to date in this band's explanations that would indicate why they left the Sunseekers Festival high and dry.... other than the sad fact that it was scheduled at the same time as they were throwing one of their hissie fits. Grow up,boys!

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strange. I saw plenty of promo for the BP/Tala show here, and it seemed to be booked at El Salon all along (so I thought). Wasn't planning on going, as there were probably 10 good shows on last night, but it sucks for those who were there.

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touche just posted this at bpradio.net

I don't see how the band was looking at the fans. They bailed on 3 shows. The Sunseeker Ball festival had them listed and promoted as a headliner.

I know a lot of people that were very excited about the show in Ottawa and were goign to jeopardize a good nights sleep on a worknight to go to this. It was posted on jambands.ca and as far as I know, also on the maverick's website too.

I read that "we decided to cut our losses". They were IN ottawa and still didn't play. I don't see how that is considered 'cutting our losses' since not playing actually disappointed fans and others who (like myself) never heard of them yet were interested in checking the band out after reading all the excitement on jambands.ca

As for the venue moving, the original venue was the Cafe Deckuf. It's owned by the same people and is upstairs from Maverick's. Cafe Dekcuf lost their liquor license over a month ago due to some administrative problem and any acts that were there had to be moved as no one will go see a band in a dry bar. In fact, a great band(www.stephenfranke.com) that came from B.C. actually played there the week they lost their license. They could have cancelled knowing that they wouldn't have a turn out, but they played anyways, and the DEFINATELY put on the best possible show.

What does a lack of promotion have to do with 'the best possible show' ? That is up to the band. As far as I can tell from all of this, if there was any confusion or miscommunications, they had the choice to make the best of it, or the worst of it. They obviously chose the latter and screwed a bunch of current and potential fans out of 3 shows.

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