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whats up with your username?


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I lack originality. :P

I thought is was from the Lightning Hopkins song , as covered by Pigpen on Bear's Choice ;)

My username comes from the fact that I first met Bouche at a very loud show at Cafe Dekcuf, and he mishear my name when I told him, so for the next couple of weeks until I corrected him he mistakenly called me Bob, instead of my officially designated short form Rob. Since Rob is a really common name I used Rob not Bob (with the extremely cool abbreviation RnB) to distinguish myself from the crowd :)


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Hmmmm... No great story, really. My name's Steve, and I live in Cleveland...

ALTHOUGH, when I first met my friend Julia (From Michigan) at Jerry Garcia's Birthday Bash (in West Virginia) I introduced myself as Steve (then added) from Cleveland (Which seemed to make sense because people are from all over the place, and whatnot). She's actually the one that kind of made it stick, because shen then began introducing me as Steve from Cleveland. All of her friends in Michigan know me as "Steve from Cleveland" and her mom will even ask when Steve from Cleveland is coming to visit. So that's the whole story, I think... What's funny is that to this day (over 4 years later) she still calls me (and refers to me as) Steve from Cleveland. Alternatives include:

S from C (I think this was Backbacon)


Steveland from Cleveland

Cleve from Steveland (Blair's favorite, I think, that's usually what he says on my answering machine)



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I lack originality. :P

I thought is was from the Lightning Hopkins song ' date=' as covered by Pigpen on Bear's Choice ;)[/quote']

Wow! Someone finally placed it. ;) Yeah, the name comes from the Pigpen version of Katie Mae. But it's actually my name (hence the "lack of originality" comment...LOL). I like it though, so I ran with it.

My Dad came up with the wonky spelling of Kaidy though. He's odd. :P

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Have you ever spoonerized it to be "Cleve from Steveland"?



Yep, although I didn't realize that it was "Spoonerizing" and, actually Babsy Mudcock's the one who took to calling me that. I think I mentioned that in my post, but perhaps not... I just listened to my messages, and he actually says "Hey there, Cleve from Steveland..."


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My name is from the old school days of the Canadian Phish Traders Network and www.gadiel.com/phish (Thanks AD!, and where have you gone Andy?)

I used Northern Wish to post on gadiel when I was ISO a show. I had found that most people were glad to offer B+Ps until they found out you were in Canada and the whole increased postage/ customs thing threw them off. It was a tip off, that I was ISO and that the package would be travelling north.

Oh and its also one of my favorite songs of all time- Northern Wish- The Rheostatics.


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Ah, the old network... Good times..

My username? It's my initials, minus the first one. So it's 2/3 of my initials. I can never remember usernames so when sites let me use a short one, that's what I use.


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Wow, am I glad to hear of someone else who doesn't think of patio lanterns in connection with Kim Mitchell! I saw Max Webster a bunch of times in the '70's, and they were always a great Party. Wild guitar tone, crazy keys, cool drum fills, deep bass, twisted lyrics; one of Ontario's best, I'd say. Honest, folks; that's not just Lip Service...

still in search of magnetic air,


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