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Pearl Jam Voted Greatest American Rock Band Ever


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Actually, Pearl Jam at #1 makes total sense given the demographics of USA Today subscribers.

I'm still not convinced that Anthony Kiedis can sing a song live in-tune. Flea, Smith and Frusciante make for an awesome trio. R.I.P. Hillel Slovak.

Janes Addiction should be on the list, but maybe were disqualified because Dave Navarro is an egotistical asshole, married to a C-grade celebrity.

The Velvet Underground did not suck either.

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Pearl jam's record company is probably affiliated with USA today so they just whipped up a list to help promote the struggling Pearl Jam who are, most likely, still milking songs from their first three albums. Which is also too bad, because they had a lot of promise. I also think The Chilly peppers have just had more success at mediocrity (artistically-wise) than pearl jam. And Id bet the farm that if Kurt was still alive, Nirvana would have at least 4 aweful albums under their belt.

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i agree pj should be considered one the the best american bands. to rank them and bicker about who's better is stupid, its a matter of taste but as far as a good solid rock band they're the best in my opinion and i don't see them letting up. to me a good rock band has to have a good rock drummer and they've go the best. hands down. any band that can back up neil has got to be pretty fucking good.

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why do people get so worked up over lists?

I find it fun to reflect on lists. When I was a wee teenager, I used to get worked-up if someone said The Who sucked or that Hendrix was not as good as Eddie Van Halen. Nowadays, I find Top 10 lists to be interesting on an introspective and very shallow level, unless Eddie Van Halen ranks higher than Hendrix or The Who are omitted :)

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Guest Low Roller

From what I know, Pearl Jam is the closest thing to Phish or the Grateful Dead from a live show perspective. They mix their setlist up in huge way, almost never repeating the same song in a run of concerts. Not many other bands can say that.

As for the "if Kurt was alive" speculation, then who knows. I know for a fact that Kurt was working with Micheal Stipe on some sort of Nirvana/R.E.M. collaboration before he shot himself (idiot). I'm certain that Nirvana would have aged gracefully, unlike some bands like Pantera or Megadeath that struggled to adapt. (Don't ask me why I chose those two bands for comparison)

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most of the folks putting PJ down on here, have no bloody idea how powerful their live shows are...

PJ in the last four years have been as powerful as Phish in the mid 90's...

forget this post hiatus stuff...PJ brings the heat. Every Night. They are always changing up setlists...

Plus, they actually care about their fans...

They are doing a CANADIAN TOUR, trey won't even show his face up here...

As i said, if most the folks on here gave them a chance, and i mean their live shows (which PJ released to their fans, soundboard, for free on pearljamlive.com), they would understand why they are the hottest touring band in North America.

Comparing them to Nirvana or RHCP is fine and all...but when it comes down to what each band has done/and is doing, there really is no comparison...

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most of the folks putting PJ down on here, have no bloody idea how powerful their live shows are...

PJ in the last four years have been as powerful as Phish in the mid 90's...

forget this post hiatus stuff...PJ brings the heat. Every Night. They are always changing up setlists...

Plus, they actually care about their fans...

They are doing a CANADIAN TOUR, trey won't even show his face up here...

As i said, if most the folks on here gave them a chance, and i mean their live shows (which PJ released to their fans, soundboard, for free on pearljamlive.com), they would understand why they are the hottest touring band in North America.

Comparing them to Nirvana or RHCP is fine and all...but when it comes down to what each band has done/and is doing, there really is no comparison...

That's fine 'tube, but what if you genuinely don't like their music? Comparing them live to mid-90's Phish is a far stretch, Pearl Jam might jam some of their stuff out, but nothing that can come close to touching what Phish was doing in '94/'95... Mixing up setlists is great, and I applaud them for it, but that's no reason to say they will ever be on par with the magic of, say, Phish circa 1994... Caring about their fans is nice as well, but not a comment about the quality of music they produce... The fact that they are touring Canada also has no impact as to whether or not I (or anyone else) would like their music... I've seen Pearl Jam live, and while it was a good show, I wouldn't even put it top 25 shows I've seen... Everyone is entitled to an opinion about music, and the fact that you're a fan of this band doesn't mean that people don't have any idea about Pearl Jam... I'm pretty sure people's opinion's have been formed after giving them more than a chance...

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Regardless, saying people have no idea how "powerful" they are seems like an insult to people's intelligence... We all listen to a lot of music, I'm pretty sure people aren't basing their dislike of PJ based on hearing Jeremy ten years ago...

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i'm sorry you feel i insulted your intelligence...

if you said i didn't understand how powerful Ween is live (for example, i dont even know if you like ween), i'd agree, as i've never listened to them, or seen them live....

i wouldn't think you insulted my intelligence...

anyways, all these lists do is spark debate, which is a good thing...

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You weren't insulting my intelligence, I never put down Pearl Jam (at least not in this thread)... I'm simply saying that the statement:

"most of the folks putting PJ down on here, have no bloody idea how powerful their live shows are..."

is somewhat of a dig on the people that did put them down... You shouldn't assume that they haven't heard or seen them live, maybe they have seen/heard them and didn't like them...

I'm not trying to stir shit up, in fact I'm hard pressed to think of a top 10 list of American bands that wouldn't cause some debate and controversy...

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I'm certain that Nirvana would have aged gracefully, unlike some bands like Pantera or Megadeath that struggled to adapt.

You'd hope that Kurt and Nirvana would have aged gracefully, although Kris Novoselic has not fared too well, and Chris Cornell and the rest of the losers in Soundgarden continue to wallow in obscurity, or form a really boring supergroup.

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I'm certain that Nirvana would have aged gracefully' date=' unlike some bands like Pantera or Megadeath that struggled to adapt. [/quote']

You'd hope that Kurt and Nirvana would have aged gracefully, although Kris Novoselic has not fared too well, and Chris Cornell and the rest of the losers in Soundgarden continue to wallow in obscurity, or form a really boring supergroup.

I haven't been involved in this thread too much, but I can't resist this.

"the rest of the losers in Soundgarden continue to wallow in obscurity?"

So Matt Cameron drumming in Pearl Jam is obscurity?

I don't think so they are the most popular American band ever according to USA Today.

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I'm certain that Nirvana would have aged gracefully' date=' unlike some bands like Pantera or Megadeath that struggled to adapt. [/quote']

You'd hope that Kurt and Nirvana would have aged gracefully, although Kris Novoselic has not fared too well, and Chris Cornell and the rest of the losers in Soundgarden continue to wallow in obscurity, or form a really boring supergroup.

I haven't been involved in this thread too much, but I can't resist this.

"the rest of the losers in Soundgarden continue to wallow in obscurity?"

So Matt Cameron drumming in Pearl Jam is obscurity?

I don't think so they are the most popular American band ever according to USA Today.

I believe Matt Cameron joined Pearl Jam when Soundgarden was still active and slightly relevant.

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I'm certain that Nirvana would have aged gracefully' date=' unlike some bands like Pantera or Megadeath that struggled to adapt. [/quote']

You'd hope that Kurt and Nirvana would have aged gracefully, although Kris Novoselic has not fared too well, and Chris Cornell and the rest of the losers in Soundgarden continue to wallow in obscurity, or form a really boring supergroup.

I haven't been involved in this thread too much, but I can't resist this.

"the rest of the losers in Soundgarden continue to wallow in obscurity?"

So Matt Cameron drumming in Pearl Jam is obscurity?

I don't think so they are the most popular American band ever according to USA Today.

I believe Matt Cameron joined Pearl Jam when Soundgarden was still active and slightly relevant.

Not true, Soundgarden broke up in 1997 and Pearl Jam brought Matt Cameron on in 1998 for the 'Yield' tour, though Jack Irons was the drummer for the 'Yield' album.

Pearl Jam were on pace to be like Spinal Tap when it came to having drummers. In their first six albums they had four different drummers.

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Guest Low Roller

Audioslave is pretty boring...

Alright, back to Krist Novoselich... I believe he formed a short lived group called Sweet 75, and then left the music scene to become heavily involved in the political scene. In 1995 he founded JAMPAC (Joint Artists and Music Promotions Political Action Committee)to lobby against a bill that would make it easier to censor music. Today, he is still the Founder and President, and has made trips to the United States Congress to plead his organizations' case.

He has also started a website called Fix Our United States which deals with fixing the problems of democracy in the country. Those are some very noble causes he fights for and he definitely matured greatly since Nirvana.

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And isn't Audioslave THE WORST supergroup ever?

They might be, as I used to listen to Soundgarden and Rage Against the Machine quite a bit in my younger days.

Yet I have yet to pick up either of Audioslave's albums. But I immediately bout Velvet Revolver's debut when it came out. Not that it's brilliant, but I still bought it.

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Hooray for Pearl Jam!!!

Eddie's voice rocks my world and I would have chosen them as number one ANY day! If they have been nothing else, they have surely been hugely influential and shaped the American music scene in a big way. Even if you don't like their music, you can't deny them that fact. (Yes I know other bands have been just as influential) but Pearl Jam rocks my socks! Congradulations Pearl Jam!

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Pearl jam's record company is probably affiliated with USA today so they just whipped up a list to help promote the struggling Pearl Jam who are, most likely, still milking songs from their first three albums. Which is also too bad, because they had a lot of promise. I also think The Chilly peppers have just had more success at mediocrity (artistically-wise) than pearl jam. And Id bet the farm that if Kurt was still alive, Nirvana would have at least 4 aweful albums under their belt.

What I guess you don't realize is that Pearl Jam no longer has a record company. Learn the facts before you start trashing a band. They are completely independant now and that's something to respect. They are above all my favourite band and I think it's great to see them make the #1 spot on this list. For those of you that haven't seen them live, I urge you to find tickets for this Canadian tour and GO! You will not be disappointed unless you can't appreciate great rock music. I potentially have a few ottawa tickets so email me if you're interested.

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