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Dont take your job for granted...


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well, not that it will make your dad feel any better, but i just got laid off too

should be temporary until more orders are in.

anyone in the market for a million dollar stainless steel pressure tank?

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cause i spelled dad as day...dang
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holy shit man im sorry to hear that,, my step dad goes thru that every now and again, usually the winter as hes a deisel mechanic, hes been there for 20+ yrs too and they still lay him off

fuckers eh

well itll work out for pops i know it brother

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if the company isn't going bankrupt and your dad hasn't done something criminal the management of any company who lets you work 25 years until your 4 years from getting your full retirement then lays you off while keeping younger employees should be jailed

my heart goes out to your dad steve, pisses me off (hopefully he's getting some sort of severence package)

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if the company isn't going bankrupt and your dad hasn't done something criminal the management of any company who lets you work 25 years until your 4 years from getting your full retirement then lays you off while keeping younger employees should be jailed

my heart goes out to your dad steve, pisses me off (hopefully he's getting some sort of severence package)

What he said.

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he worked for a company that built machines that build cars...

they also build panel boxes and everything else under the sun...

they were bought out a few years ago, and the new owners ran it to the ground...

he was an industrial electrician there...he has his papers, and he has at least 10 years of management experience...but the last three years he's been back on the floor...so its not like he hasn't been working 'in the grind' ... which is going to help him...

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secondtube, I'm so sorry to hear that. Stories like that make my blood boil! My Dad is also an electician. He has been fucked around by companies in the past. He's a total work horse and finally got a great job running the maintenance department at a hospital for handicapped and developmentally delayed people. He was stoked, all of his hard work had finally paid off.

THEN, the McGuinty government announced that it'll be closing the hospital and 2 similar ones by 2009. My Dad has to be there another 5 years before he can get his full pension. When he's laid off he'll still be six months short. :(

The saddest part for me is that my Dad is more concerned about what will happen to the patients in the hospital than he is about himself. Many have lived there their whole lives and will now be integrated into the community or sent to group homes. Their quality of life will be seriously affected. His concern for the patients he's got to know and care about is what keeps him up at night. Do the good guys always lose?

Seems like the trades are really getting screwed over these days. Best of luck to your Dad secondtube!

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Sorry to here that...makes my job seem a little less craptactular...As is the case with some of the other posters the same thing happened to my father in the early 90's...got laid of from a huge Canadian company and turned around to open his own business (still succesful to this day!). It may seem like the good guys always lose, but they are also the ones who can turn things around to make thier lives better.

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