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That part in bold hasn't been addressed much. I understand wanting to defend a teammate who's been clobbered ... However, why the FUCK did they do it when he's unconscious on the ice? Really fucking smart ... his own teammates could have indirectly done more damage!

The other Flyers could have indirectly done more damage too.

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Downie gets 20 games.

TSN.ca Staff

9/28/2007 2:23:11 PM

The National Hockey League has handed down its verdict on the Flyers' Steve Downie.

Colin Campbell, the NHL's executive vice-president and director of hockey operations, has suspended Downie for 20 games for his vicious hit on Ottawa Senators forward Dean McAmmond in Thursday's exhibition game.

The 20 games is the fifth longest suspension handed down by the league. New York Islanders' Chris Simon holds the longest at 25 games for his two-handed stick attack to the face of Ryan Hollweg of the New York Rangers last season.

The Flyers were leading 2-1 when, at the 2:39 mark of the second, Downie skated the length of the ice and took a run at McAmmond, who had just released the puck while circling behind the Flyers' net and was met by Downie coming around the other side. Downie also appeared to leave his feet as he flattened the veteran.

The jarring hit came moments after Downie was checked into the glass by Ottawa's Christoph Schubert in the Senators' zone.

The 20-year-old prospect gained a reputation at the junior level for some nasty play, but following Thursday's game said the hit wasn't pre-meditated, nor did he intend to go for McAmmond's head.

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Between Pronger getting 1 game and Avery getting 25 for their infractions ... they give Downie 20??? WTF? Where's the consistency?

I agree with the 10 games that people have mentioned here as being adequate in this case ... THEN modify the rules so that next time they can throw the book at the next 'offender' ... even if it is a "superstar".

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We'll be getting soccer dives this year.

[color:purple]New strategy in the NHL: you feel somebody make ANY contact with your head, drop to the ice and don't move. If you get up, there won't be any penalties. If you stay down, get your opponent suspended.


That is a sarcastic comment ... I am NOT saying that McAmmond did ANYHING of the sort!

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Not even one game in the NHL and Downie joins this illustrious list of most games suspended.

Games Player Year Team

25 Chris Simon 2006-07 NYI

23 Gordie Dwyer 2000-01 TAM

23 Marty McSorley 1999-00 BOS

21 Dale Hunter 1993-94 WAS

20 Steve Downie 2007-08 PHI

20 Todd Bertuzzi 2003-04 VAN

20 Brad May 2000-01 PHX

20 Tom Lysiak 1983-84 CHI

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So I looked up what each of the suspensions was about

25 Chris Simon 2006-07 NYI - Simon hit Hollweg in the face with a two-handed swing of his hockey stick

23 Gordie Dwyer 2000-01 TAM - Dwyer achieved notoriety after receiving a 23-game suspension for an altercation with officials in a pre-season game

23 Marty McSorley 1999-00 BOS - On February 21, 2000, McSorley, swung his stick and hit Donald Brashear in the head

21 Dale Hunter 1993-94 WAS - Hunter turned over the puck to Turgeon in the Capitals zone. Turgeon skated in and scored. Hunter hit Turgeon from behind while he was celebrating.

20 Steve Downie 2007-08 PHI – Hit on Dean McAmmond

20 Todd Bertuzzi 2003-04 VAN - Bertuzzi grabbed hold of Moore's jersey, and punched Moore in the side of the head. Moore, who was 45 pounds lighter than Bertuzzi, fell to the ice with Bertuzzi's weight] driving him headfirst into the ice

20 Brad May 2000-01 PHX - May was suspended for 20 games following his actions in a November 11th game where he hit Columbus forward Steve Heinze in the nose with his stick.

20 Tom Lysiak 1983-84 CHI - On October 30, 1983, while a member of the Blackhawks, Lysiak tripped linesman Ron Foyt during a game against the Hartford Whalers.

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So when does the 20 game suspension start? Does it start in the AHL or when he gets called up to the NHL?


If Downie is cut by the Flyers he will have to serve the suspension when - and if - he returns to the NHL.

... but i think the AHL is required to honour NHL suspensions so he'd be serving it down there. I'd like to know the real answer too.

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Definitely seems like way too harsh a sentence in the historical context. But if the NHL has decided that this is the punishment for "intent to injure" infractions, and they're consistent from this point on, I'm fine with it. Hits like that need to be eliminated.

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Speaking as a non-Sens fan, I really dont see the comparison between those hits aside from the fact that they are very close with respective time between the loss of the puck and the delivery of the blow.

Look at the trajectory alone and intent is clearly defined in one and not in the other (unless I missed something back then or forgot about it). Not too mention the flying elbow and the leap.

2 different beasts altogether.

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uh ... i said "of course not", no?

Again ... the NHL has no consistency. In looking at a timeline of suspensions in incidents such as this, it's out of whack. Avery gets 25, then Neil gets none, then Pronger gets 1, then Downie gets 20, etc.etc.

It's going to be interesting to watch the NHL this year and see what happens on the next "head-hit". If THIS is a precedent setting suspension, then subsequent ones of this nature should hold a 20 game minimum (regardless of whether it's preseason, regular season, or post season) and enforced immediately.

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