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Roll call: the Sisters Tonight


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Deeps, hopefully can'o'phish will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they tend to take the stage at 10 and end before 1.

Mike -- once we're in O-Town, we'll have to start our own Monday night ritual -- like getting soused on numerous Wine Exchange bottles and getting all maudlin about the Breit shows we did see

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Hey Dave,

It was you and Deb that I hung out with at Izzy's right? Were those clones of some kind, or are you sending clones to the Orbit Room tonight? Also, how did you go about getting a clone?

Just wondering, because I am quite sure that my body is unable to handle going out tonight after Saturday's festivities.

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Deeps, hopefully can'o'phish will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they tend to take the stage at 10 and end before 1.

Mike -- once we're in O-Town, we'll have to start our own Monday night ritual -- like getting soused on numerous Wine Exchange bottles and getting all maudlin about the Breit shows we did see

Getting sloshed on a monday, after getting sloshed most of the weekend must be a bad idea. Fun, but bad. It's a good thing I don't live anywhere near the Orbit room ;)

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shouldn't be too many there me -thinks!


what...dudes with long brown hair??? (LMAO, that's how I read it!)

surest bet is to find can'o'phish recording the show and he'll manage the intros!

looking forward to it, Deeps.

and Basher, you and Stoned Philips better get your asses out there, tonight, especially if you're not making an appearnace at LYS!

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Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Nothing to see here...

While the Orbit can get packed like sardines, I don't think I've ever seen Paul say, "Sorry, we're full". No worries about selling out. Sisters usually start anywhere between 10 & 10:30 with two solid sets and patio fun inbetween and after sets ;-)

Most bars would kill if their Friday/Saturday nights were as busy as Mondays @ The Orbit...definitely a phenomena...

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[color:purple]How would you know???

(I had to get in one more saucy comment before I go home from work...)

Good thing that Rustico has S-L-O-W dial-up so you can come up with these "quick & witty" responses there Punk...you saucy dude...LOL! How was the music this weekend and did Stella & The Mighty Quinn make an appearance?

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