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Pre-ABB Gathering


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Odds are currently looking good that it won't be rainy on Tuesday (assuming of course that my math is correct--40% POP means 60% chance of no rain, right?).

As such, I'm inviting folks over for a backyard pre-Allman's gathering.

I've got the afternoon off, so we can commence "gathering" anytime after 2:00 pm. I live near Lakeshore/Ellis--a short cab ride to the venue.


*SPECIAL prize goes to whomever can identify what all the letters represent in my pithy acronym.

If it does rain, Basher will just have to set up his canopy. Plus, I'm the only one who might melt, since I'm obviously composed of sugar.

PM me for details and/or if you plan to attend.

Note to T-Bone: It's just down the street. Don't be afraid.

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the London edition of the pre-ABB gathering can happen at my place.. i'll be home by 3:30 that day, and its down the street from the venue.. pm me if you want the address, or click the link in my signature and with some very basic detective work, im sure you could find it.

all are welcome, whether you're going to the show or not...

ps: if anyone is up for some CTO Funk Nite post-show, i think that's my plan... ummm, we could call it the post-show pre-party for the after-party. i have thursday off, so lets get down.

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to say the least...

i remember in school last summer, the poor harvey's girl trying to explain that its not her fault they cook the vegi burgers on the same grill as the normal burgers...

this dumbass flower power chick wouldn't drop it....

after that, they had a sign up saying they wouldn't cook vegi burgers on different grills than their normal food...

(which basically would require buying a whole new grill, just for veganburgers, lol)

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