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QotD: 2005-08-17: poll-vaulting


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The talk of Neil Young's "vault" releases makes me wonder something. Assume you've been given the chance to work, full-time, for as long as you want, in the tape vault of an artist. Your duties would include listening to tapes, cataloguing them (including researching when/where the tape was made), selecting tapes for release, etc. You have to choose between:

  • The Grateful Dead
  • Phish
  • Neil Young
  • Frank Zappa
  • Bob Dylan
  • other (please specify)

Please state your choice, and why you chose it.

For me, it would be Zappa's vault, hands-down. Last I heard, it contained about $4 million worth of tape (forget the value of the music on the tape, that's just the value of the physical tape itself), and ranged from ancient analog, all the way to 48-track digital. I also think there hasn't been enough released from it, especially whole shows.



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bradm, I'm with you on Zappa 100%. I can't even fathom all of the crazy shit and weird rarities (not to mention musical genius) that you would stumble upon. That jackpot would be full of surprises.

I'd also love to snoop around in the vaults of

  • Neil
  • Primus (or early Les Claypool sides)
  • Wilco

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The Grateful Dead.

Because I simply love their music and the culture they spawned. I am endlessly fascinated by their legacy.

Apart from that, I'd love have a crack at Richard Thompson's archives, should such a thing exist, which I doubt. He is so prolific and operating at such a high level of artistry that I just know his official output only scratches the surface. Maybe it's not so much that I want to be the one to handle it, I just hope someone out there is lording over those tapes!

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My first instinct would be to go for the Dead, for MarcO's reasons, and also because you know you'd never hear quite the same thing twice, which is why I fell in love with them in the first place.

I'd like to bet Dr. John would have a hell of a lot of surprises in his vault - just think of the number of staggeringly good people he's played with over the years. Maybe Willie P. Bennett, too.

But yeah, Zappa's vault would be a real Eldorado.

Damn, tough choice!

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I would have to go with none other than The Band.

Man, think of how awesome it would be to hear the early days as The Hawks and then backing Dylan or their first three concerts as The Band at the Winterland in April '69...I'd be lost for months!

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The Grateful Dead.

Because I simply love their music and the culture they spawned. I am endlessly fascinated by their legacy.

Apart from that, I'd love have a crack at Richard Thompson's archives, should such a thing exist, which I doubt. He is so prolific and operating at such a high level of artistry that I just know his official output only scratches the surface. Maybe it's not so much that I want to be the one to handle it, I just hope someone out there is lording over those tapes!

oooh...richard thompson...i don't know if he's fully trader friendly or not, but i've seen his live stuff circulate. but he's a distant 2nd to the dead, for a lot of the same reasons. to be able to hear tunes evolve and hear the band evolve together would be a trip.

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He has so much live recorded music from large performances to impromptu jams at aftershow parties in clubs to unscheduled jams at his own studios Paisley Park to countless hours of produced music that he cannot bring himself to release. Apparantly his vault is monsterous!

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I'd vote another for the band..

hearing the hawks stuff would be great.. I actualy saw a show on some channel about ronnie and they did a big thing about him and the band..

he;s a nice guy, I met him a couple times, actualy had a chance to play with his band once but was too chicken..

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I'd vote another for the band..

hearing the hawks stuff would be great.. I actualy saw a show on some channel about ronnie and they did a big thing about him and the band..

he;s a nice guy, I met him a couple times, actualy had a chance to play with his band once but was too chicken..

ooh! never even thought of The Band...now there's a job i could sink my ears into...very good call!

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