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A Week in Paradise


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Lady Evelyn Lake is a flooded river system, created by damning the Montreal River. It holds a natural population of Walleye, Pike, and Smallies, as well as stocked bows and speckles in some back lakes.

Our crew of five guys and two boats left Monday night (Labour Day Monday) at midnight, arriving to New Liskard around 8am...a perfect time to enjoy our Lady Evelyn Breakfast.


We launched without problem...both boats were loaded up...


Paying a trailering service to take ya over the dam accesses the lake. Had no problem with our 17 and 19 foot Lunds.

Taking Out:


Putting Back In:


Simple as pie.

The trip to our campsite was a little over 7 mile run....and a beautiful run at that...

Our idea was to to an evening fish, but by the time we were set up, it was almost four pm, and we were beat (or wanted to drink...a little of both i think)... so shore fishing it was. Because we didn't have a dock, or a beach to land the boats, my boat was declared 'runner', and Jackson's 19' was anchored offshore.... i think i got the short end of that stick. :D






Jackson and Ian. (Notice Jackson's excellent use of the beer/rod combo)


The evening was beautiful...unfortunately the beers took over, and we fell asleep quite early.... but it was needed after a whole night of driving, then a day of traveling.... A nice south wind blew us warmer temps all night long.... perfect.

Wednesday was spent fighting heavy north winds, and looking for pickerel. Jackson is an accomplished Walleye fisherman, and it didn't take him long to find a consistent pattern.... finding fish bigger than 12" proved to be difficult though.

Jackson and Hammer working jigs in 15' of water.


We ended up catching close to a dozen fish between the two boats, and kept five decent ones for the pan, including one nice 21"er (caught by Jackson).





Jackson, who can catch em, can also cook em.... and we didn't mind one bit, lol. :D We knew five guys would eat a lot of pickerel, and likely we would/couldn't catch enough for a nice fry, so we brought some frozen fish caught in Erie to add to our fresh fish....perfect.



Wednesday night brought us some nasty Northern Winds, dropping the temps to below 10 degrees....you could see your breath.

Wednesday night's beautiful, but cold, sunset.


Thursday was windy, windy, windy.... straight from the North...Temps dropped to the mid teens, and the fishing shut right down...We worked 'em hard, trying to work jigs in three foot waves....difficult to say the least....

But The Beautiful Lady wasn’t to let us down.... rather than rewarding us with fish; she displayed the most beautiful sunset i've ever witnessed. This next run of pics will show the progression, but doesn't come even close to doing it justice...(all pix are unedited)





Thursday night was another cold one.... so the Lund worked as the wood-gathering boat (what doesn't this Lund do?)


This time a little drunken comedy and a warm fire passed the time....



After two cold days in a row, and a Northern wind blowing hard both days, we were at a loss how to target the fish our final day.... I remembered Dave mentioned something about a Brook Trout stream in the area.... None of us had ever caught a Brook Trout, so everyone was game. Unfortunately all we had were 7 foot walleye rods...not the best stream trout equipment.... but none the less, we were going to make a go at it!

We had a glance on the map, turned on the gps, and away we went.... about three miles to the beginning of the river.... shallow, but nothing my Lund cant handle.... (After all, even if it couldn’t handle it, i wouldn't know unless i tried...)

Up the river we went...


Passing through curve after elbow, shallow area after pull over... we eventually heard the waterfall in the distance...seven miles later. Pulled the boat up on the first sandy area we've seen all trip (nice!).


A nice trail led us to the waterfall.... a beautiful cascading set of falls, flowing quickly over some lush green forest.... almost rainforest like.... did i mention this place is paradise? A quick group shot, and away we went, in search of the supposed Brook Trout.

From left to right: Ian - Jackson - Hammer - George


I walked to the top of the falls, looking for holes, while Jackson worked the holes on the bottom...

The falls from the top:


It wasn't long before i heard the excited shout, fish on! It wasn't huge, but i haven't seen Jackson smile like that in a long time.... his, hell all of our, first brookie!!!!


I was excited by this point.... I’ve wanted to catch a beautiful, natural Brook Trout my whole life, but finding streams that have them, at least in Southern Ontario, isn't an easy thing...i found the first hole that looked juicy, and started working my worm...It contained a small falls that flowed quickly underneath an undercut shoreline.... heck, its just easier to show ya!



Well, see that undercut? It produced my first Brookie ever!!!! Its not big, but its a good start!


The colours on it were incredible.... the image is untouched.... absolutely breathtaking!!! What a fish!!! True beauty.

I continued walked up the river, passing breathtaking views of the falls through the bush.


Through the bush appeared this falls...it almost looked too perfect.


I drifted a worm with a single split shot between the twin falls, and on the first run, i had a hard hit.... a light hook set brought me my best brookie of the day...she was 14" (measured by the handle of my rod) ...

I decided rather than taking a cheap shot like the last one, i'd try and set up a shot behind the falls.... this was the result.


When i met up with jackson, i found he had caught the nicest of the day.... what else is new, lol.


Well, this pretty much wraps up the report.... It ranks up there in the top three trips i've ever taken....Great Times, Great Friends, Great Fish, What more can you ask for?

I'll close with the last nights sunset, behind the campfire, and the campsite as we left it Saturday Morning. Spotless.



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