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Rockstar INXS


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I think part of the problem with the show is the fan voting. When I watch it on a Canadian station before and after every break there is a bumper telling all Canadians to vote for JD (yes just JD even though Suzie is Canadian as well) I'm sure it the same thing in Aus. (ie: he has everyone in Aus. voting for him) and similar in the US I'm sure. It's all dam propoganda I tell ya!!!

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AAAH! I did see him sing that 'trees' song, he does have some moves involving thrusts and bends, and some dedicated cougars in the front row who looked very into the song- singing all passionate like with their eyes closed.

Whats really too bad is that it does sound like a legitimate radio song. Anyway, yes, Marty is creepy. and weepy.... during his version of 'wish you were here', i was thinking, 'god this is embarrasing'.

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I hope the winner of this contest isn't disappointed when - in three months' time - they find themselves eating the warm remains of a shrimp ring backstage at the Atlantic City Charity Casino, where INXS are doing 2 shows a night for a week (added Matinee on Saturdays, kids get in free - ask for group discounts).

that is hilarious because its true.

pause beat.

(you're one of my kind...)

agitate, dont mutilate, aggravate, love dont hate, humiliate, regurgitate, sassafrate...

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oh good god people you're killing me - now i know why dave likes brooks outfits most when shes wearing the tiny skirts. This thread is hillarious.

Sorry but i like trees - definitely a radio hit.

Not that i'm usually into radio hits but hey. I like that he's creepy.

its partly jsut his physical appearance - long and lean with long hands and a big slit smile with those big teeth - perfect for the creepy rockstar.

What i am personally happy about is Ty leaving - it was turning into way too big a love fest in that mansion. We are all AMAZING people and AMAZING TALENTS I am sooo honoured just to know these AMAZING PEOPLE

Well all i know is that as i go from week to week on the downloads, it really is always marty that i go to download.

i was sorry that jordis got bad. I remember at the beginning of when i started watching i thought that girl could sing anything.

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Whats really too bad is that it does sound like a legitimate radio song. Anyway, yes, Marty is creepy. and weepy.... during his version of 'wish you were here', i was thinking, 'god this is embarrasing'.

While Marty was thinking (and which he later said out loud), "This is one of the greatest moments of my life."

That was very vomit inducing.

P.S. I love that this thread got so many replies so fast. Come back off the ledge Andre.

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ok marty looks like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to leave alone around young children for any length of time. i can see him pulling a michael jackson as the years go by. and his song is so....annoyingly catchy. like one of those songs you love to hate but know all the words to anyway. "i'm patiently controlling" pffffft. i can see the ryder now "17 bottles of fiji water, with 4 medium sized drops of lime juice in each with resealed caps". the guy reminded me of hannibal lecter when he slices off the top of that dudes head and cooks his brains and feeds them to him. THAT'S patiently controlling.

poor poor suzie. fuckin boys club. the girl can belt it out, rocked suicide blonde, but blew the interview...poor girl. and whoever said a girl can't front a chick band is so right.

mig is a girly man. his head it too triangular. i feel bad for his mum for having to birth that giant cranium. and if i have to look at his flippy floppy package in those ultra super low rise plastic pants one more time i'm going to kill myself.

jd is kind of annoying, but he's still the man. his hip swinging dance moves remind me of sinbad at ctmf and make me want to vomit, but his tats are cool, and he's a cool dude. he's attractive without any weird anomaly to detract from his looks, and he's got a fuckin rock star name. JD Fortune? COME ON?!

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Oh dear - you think Marty is a peodophile? I just think hes a dude full of himself.

um... I think they somehow all got hung up in JDs butt licking mode every time they were asked a questions. "this is one of the best moments of my life" = "this is what the old dudes want to hear and i'm gonna spoon feed it to them"

At least that's the way i read all of those stomache turning replies they give.

I guarantee that a lot of the kicked off singers are just rolling with embarrassment at some of the replies they gave.

Suzie rarely dove that deeply up their asses.

She would have done way better if she had a move or two. She stood with her legs wide pelvic thrusting a little too much. The only other moves i really saw was when she'd occassionally do that girl on guitarist sexy thing. I think a couple of slick steps would have really made a difference.

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Also, I think we will find out next week if the show was rigged from the start. If they choose Mig, I will believe that they already had their minds made up, because he is Aussie. I think he is terrible, and Marty certainly does not fit with INXS. If JD wins, and I think he should, then my conspiracy theories will dissipate.

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i was cursing that marty this morning when i woke up with trees in my head. sitting with the dogs outside havin a smoke 2 seconds after i woke up, it was horrible. i was trying to think of anything, ANYTHING to replace it.

and yes, marty looks so creepy that i do believe he'd have his way with children given the chance and enough oxycontin. i also think that he'd pull a micheal in that he'd slowly but surely whittle away his nose with all that INXS money. And breaking that guitar was sooooo cheese.

stage presence is a big thing i agree...and really only JD has consistantly showed that he might have some, or be able to develop it.

hey M, thanks for erasing the guilt of not respecting dave navarro. those pics are too funny.

not only are the answers to questions horribe to listen to, the questions themselves are pretty bad too.

who here thinks that this show is oversaturating the market with INXS and will be the downfall of their comeback?

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I don't think Ty got booted off because he was black. But that'll give him an excuse for failure when he goes back to delivering renditions of "Que Sera Sera" at a men's bathhouse on weekday mornings, which is where I suspect he received most of his training.

I don't think this show is oversaturating the market with INXS publicity - I think, to the contrary, that when a tour is announced (and they did say last night to look out for the "Rock Star" tour coming to a town near you this fall! wow - what a long sentence to place in parantheses eh? holy shit!) it'll do quite well, because people will want to see the newly appointed singer strut their stuff. Look for their next album of original material to disappear without a trace, though.

And yeah, Marty, dude - breaking a guitar? An acoustic guitar?!? You silly fuck. Marty really strikes me as the over-sensitive cokehead sitting next to you at some nameless bar, with his arm around you one minute and giving you a shove in the chest the next. He sure can scream though. Wow, what a screamer. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Go climb a fucking tree, Marty.

Between Mig and JD, I guess I gotta go for JD, even though I really, really want to punch him. No matter, I'm sure each member of INXS will take their individual shots at him as the years and months roll on.

Now, join me, one and all:

"It'll be you and me up in a tree,

and the forest will give us the answer...."

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I don't think this show is oversaturating the market with INXS publicity - I think, to the contrary, that when a tour is announced (and they did say last night to look out for the "Rock Star" tour coming to a town near you this fall! wow - what a long sentence to place in parantheses eh? holy shit!) it'll do quite well, because people will want to see the newly appointed singer strut their stuff. Look for their next album of original material to disappear without a trace, though.

I got the impression that the "rock star" tour will be of all the others... not INXS.. or maybe all the others as the opening act for INXS.

As for saturating market.. the show is a brilliant way to get a younger "American Idol" generation up to speed on the back catalog of INXS material. I'd say the majority of the people watching the show were in diapers when Kick came out. I could be wrong though, but that's what went through my head.

And as for the album of original material.. my prediction is one or two minor hits (top 20 but not top 5 necessarily) from the first album back.. but that'll be it.

We should start a betting pool :)

Also, we've got two songs being pumped as big singles now, "Trees" and "Pretty Vegas" (and is it just me or can you totally hear Michael Hutchence singing that song.. I think JD really nailed it out of the park when we came up with lyrics and melody for that song.. in terms of writting an "INXS" song). One of these two songs at least (possibly both of them) are written by someone who will not being going on with INXS. Do you think INXS will buy these songs to put on the next record? Do you think a label will buy these songs to get a currently big time pop band to record them? Do you think a label will put out the song as performed by Marty or JD? Do you think the songs will just disappaear?

yeah.. lots of questions.. sorry.. I should get back to work :)

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marco i could kill you....those 2 fucking lines are going to replay over and over again until jlo breaks out her next phat hit.

i wasn't sure what they were talking about with that upcoming tour. is it the INXS rockstar tour? or is it a tour of all the rockstar finalists they can scrape together?

and ty didn't get kicked off, or not voted for because he was black. why do people have to use race or some type of prejudgement as an excuse for their suckiness? i did enjoy seeing a punk rock mohawk hair style on a black man though.

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