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fave of the "big 3 british guitarists"


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and another vote for gilmour and howe...

clapton just makes me mad. i'll never forget walking in to a bar in a little tiny town in northern thailand in time to hear the duo on stage introduce their next number (speaking in thai of course) and then break in to a perfect rendition of "tears in heaven." i realized then that clapton has been assimmilated, resistance is futile.

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Tim, that's so funny because it's true. Did you see BC's comments on EC a few weeks back?

Gilmour, sure, Howe, too sterile (though certainly accomplished); um... Beck, absolutely... gotta get Richard Thompson in there too....

Oops - gotta second Townshend as well!

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i initially meant choose between the 3 i mentioned who were "the big 3" but i like this new mutation of fave fave 3 brit guitar wanks.

Howe is good stuff. i feel like i should say Gilmour too but i rarely listen to Floyd anymore, and John McLaughlin owns everybody anyway. so i'll go with him.

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I would say that currently:

Jeff Beck is doing the most innovative stuff and most progressive. He also has a real distinct voice on the instrument.

Jimmy Page was great, but has really fallen off.

Eric Clapton hasn't had an original idea in at least 20 year and he sounds like he's trying to write Foldgers commercials.

I would also like to cast my vote for John McGlaughlin (no brainer there) and Peter Green (Original Fleetwood Mac guitarist!)

My 2 cents!

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To me, the "great triumverate" of British 1960s guitar playing was alywas Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Jimmy Page. They're all from the same "generation", all from the same musical background (blue-rock, rockabilly, etc.), and all played at one time or another in the same band: The Yardbirds.

Of those, for me, Jeff Beck is my favourite, hands-down. "Blow By Blow" is my favourite record of all.



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Which of the Big 3 I love depends on what day it is, I love them all ... most lately I have been in a heavy Clapton phase, I have a bunch of downloaded DVDs of him and he has been quite Godlike in all of them. While I am sure there are still people on the board who have nightmares of my "Top 5 Guitarists" list, which was about 68 guitarists at last check, even if I exclude the aforementioned Big 3 I can't get my list smaller than 5 Guitarists (in no particular order):

David Gilmour

Steve Rothery

Steve Howe

Warren Haynes

Richard Thompson

I just realize I've seen all of them live, 3 of them before I was 21 :)

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Mick Taylor needs a major shout-out too. He influenced my lead guitar playing greatly. I used to practice the solo on Can't You Hear Me Knocking over and over again in the early 90's, so much so that I'll forever use the Taylor string-bend technique heard on that great Stones song.

Taylor's solo on the live version of Sympathy from Get Yer Ya Ya's Out influenced the hell out of me also - same thing with Keef's solo.

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I was totally gonna call Mick Taylor. He was one of the first big concerts I did (Aug 03) and goddamn it was good.

Clapton makes my list if for no other reason than the Crossroads 2: Live In The Seventies box set. You are all hereby compelled to listen to this. It will injure you in a very nice way.

Jimmy Page too, as Celebration Day might be favourite guitar solo ever. He's sloppy as all git-out, but I love him for it.

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No Particular order:

Jimmy Page (73-74 era)

Jeff Beck

Albert Lee

Robert Fripp

Jan Akermman (Focus)

I think Jan is Swedish though, hope that counts, they're practically neighbours to England anyway. Remember those two solos in Hocus Pocus. The second is a ripper. Copped a good lick from that one. Cool thread.

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Jeez, they were all so good..........

Clapton is god

Jeff Beck on blow by blow is tight but you gotta hear him with jan hammer group, or this dvd I have with him, santana, and this shredder damn forgot

Jimmy Paige

Steve Howe



George Harrison


I dunno thats too much from one place hehe

come on how am I suppose to choose

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