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To drop or not to drop.. that is the question


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Alright folks-I need some advice. I've already bugged plenty of friends about this one and have gotten no where. When the hell do you drop my second hit of acid? I know it depends on a million different things, mostly when it feels right. But what if you haven't triped out for almost a year? This seems a long while to me. I've always had to take more acid to really trip out, it brings me to a place where nothing can be rejected. Is it possible the other people feel the same way? Because if they didn't i would have to kill them. fuck you, why is everyone looking at me, i'm leaving earth for a period of time?

It always seems like such a big thing when it shouldn't be at all.


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When the hell do you drop my second hit of acid?

Any time's fine with me - just say where I can pick it up ;).

But what if you haven't triped out for almost a year? This seems a long while to me.

Now I'm just feeling old :( You young whippersnappers and your little holidays from the psychedelics ;).

On a practical note, I'd think taking a second anything longer than six hours into a trip might be wasted, while anything inside two might not have allowed the first to kick in, but that's just me. Er, I mean, a friend... that I read about... somewhere....

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You should drop exactly when you don't have to ask yourself the question: "should i drop now?" You should just feel it and get excited about it. i.e. "Man i can't wait to drop acid and go to the party tonight. I'm a get fucked up yeah!!!" That's the attitude you need.

If your questioning yourself, it's not the time.

And yes you need to do more than one to see visuals and go beyond. Today's LSD is much weaker than it was in the 60's and 70's when our parents did one hit and went bananas.

My rule is: One hit to be buzzed and socialize in public.

Two hits to take it up a notch and go to a concert

Three hits to part with a close group of friends.

Four and above to rock your world with a close trusted friend.

Remeber LSD is the great magnifier...all it does is magnify your reality by 10000000%. Meaning if somethings funny it's hilarious. If something's freaky it's off the fucking charts.


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